




楼主: 不会打比赛
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windstormm 发表于 2010-12-7 20:27:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-12-7 20:28 编辑
对印度的这把牌,从技术层面上说,我认为即使有错误,也不会很大。读错牌的事是经常发生的,既然我一直认定 ...
不会打比赛 发表于 2010-12-6 22:02

这手牌前后打得很不连贯.. 觉得对手在turn 偷为十么要raise 一个自己有showdown value 的牌?  他一跟, 你就知道自己不妙, 说明这个raise没有value是错误的..被逼无奈只能bluff  river.  

我同意沉默的猪对手很可能是Qx2 对被river A forfeited.  有A, 我猜他会叫river. 这种桌上要bluff trip A 还是很难的..
windstormm 发表于 2010-12-7 23:00:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-12-7 23:56 编辑

34 楼的牌没啥好想的,  对手nut flush 也会raise.  

35 楼绝对是打得不好。。 2 个full house 竟然都没有打到all in.. 思路又不连贯。。 “我已经确定他是很大的牌" 那么拿turn 就要raise 到足够大,才能才river 把整个stack 放进去。。傻(fix 了你的typo)鱼miniraise既不能maximize 自己profit 又暴露自己不是nuts的强的牌力 正是给了你这个机会。。。 记得不久前又一手plo 的讨论KK 碰上 AK on AAK 的board,  和这有一点像近。。可以借鉴AK 真鲨鱼在turn是怎样玩的。。
windstormm 发表于 2010-12-7 23:32:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-12-7 23:38 编辑

关键是你觉得自己和一桌鲨鱼坐在一起。。 我看是一桌傻鱼。。。特别是hand 2 里那位。.. 打法当然有偏差。。。

hand 1, call is a given. reraise is too thin. probably won't get called by worse.  don't be result oriented

hand 2, huge mistake to flat his turn miniraise.  you have what they called MUBS (monster under the bed syndrome) on 2+2.  You probably should not be playing deep stack anyway. Because you will not be able to maximize your profit anyway when you are ahead, but you could be bluffed out of a winning pot.  Your deep stack is being your burden instead of being your weapon. Push or not on river depends on your villian's calling shove range with deep stacks.  2 8 i might push towards others of course.. but towards you obviously not because you have such a narrow calling range with deep stack all ins, I have no value pushing that against you.
windstormm 发表于 2010-12-7 23:42:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-12-7 23:43 编辑

i want to mention one thing that might help you. You are leveling too much with yourself and your opponents, but not enough straight forward play.  If you look at your hands mentioned here. You are getting too creative with your middle pair,  but you are getting too weak tight when you have a real hand.  Flatting mini-raise on turn with top boat and raising turn/bluff river with middle pair is not how you maximize your profit on a live table.  You should do it the opposite way.  Pushing money in when you are ahead but pot control when you have marginal hand.
windstormm 发表于 2010-12-7 23:49:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 windstormm 于 2010-12-8 01:12 编辑

i just want to help. If it does not help you, it might help with someone who are willing to listen and learn from your mistake~~~~

but i will step away from this thread for now.

P.S.. i know you commented on howards's over betting river example. 不过从hand 2来看你明显没有了解其真真精髓。。 精髓不在tell 而是在overbet..有了tell 不知怎样利用也是白搭。。
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