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youngtercel 发表于 2012-6-14 02:54:05 | 显示全部楼层
老屈 发表于 2012-6-13 19:58
我的第一帖居然糟蹋在墙的帖子里了. 哎!!


"2. 不要叫"TIMING".
    "TIMIG"就是, 一个PLAYER下柱(一般是大柱), 另一PLAYER开始长考,决定是FOLD, 还是CALL, 这时候牌桌上往往有人不耐环了, 叫HOUSE MAN来计时,一分钟内, 那位长考的PLAYER必须作出决定, 不然就算FOLD.  这时候, 这位长考的PLAYER往往心理不高兴;
尤其是因为HOUSE MAN来计时, 他急忙作出CALL的决定, 最后输了一个大POT,  他的一股怨气指向要TIMING的那人; 严重的会引起FIGHTING.  在STAMPEDE, 我就见过一次因TIMING引起的FIGHTING. "

I have a good example ...

Last week i was playing 1/2.

I got AK and hit my A on flop,  i lead 25$ on the turn and one loose guy raise to 75$. now i tank.

Then an old guy started bugging and pushing me to made decision. I feel annoyed and said " it is only 20 seconds, i at least get 1 minute"

After some thought i made the call. The loose guy bet 140$ on the river i snapped. He turned out a bluff and talked to the old guy

"You should not push him... he may get pissed off and then make the call..."

So it also hurt other player's interest by calling timing sometimes.

youngtercel 发表于 2012-6-14 02:58:12 | 显示全部楼层
" 许多时候按照规则,确实应该输家先亮。"

If i call someone's bet or raise, i will normally insist his showdown first.  

That is acceptable. Since i pay the price to call him, i am entitled to see his card. He can muck if he don't want to show.
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