
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2009-10-15 17:00
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Phil Hellmuth简介:

1989年,24岁的Phil Hellmuth 击败87,88两届世界冠军Johnny Chan, 成为扑克史上最年轻的世界冠军。这一纪录一直保持到了2008年。他目前保持多项wsop纪录,包括最多金手链(11条)及最多进钱圈(75次)。截止2009年10月5日,Phil 比赛的总奖金为$10,926,521,排在扑克史上第四位。Phil是扑克名人堂成员。

你好,中国!我是Phil Hellmuth jr.,一位职业扑克牌手。我曾经写过关于扑克策略与技巧的书:“像职业选手那样打牌”。(\"Play Poker like the Pros\")  这本书被纽约时报评为最畅销书。我每周为专栏撰写一篇文章,文章会在翻译后发表在智游城。我对德州扑克了解至深,我会在这个专栏里和大家分享一些非常有用的东西。这个专栏的文章是最新的,有用的,也是有趣的!

Johnny Chan, David Chiu和我这些牌手已经证明,扑克是一个以技巧为主的游戏。 我们不断地赢得比赛--及奖金--月复一月,年复一年,十年又十年。陈有十条金手链,仅次于我的11条。扑克日趋流行,从来没有像今天这样受人喜爱。陈和我的扑克技巧闻名于世。扑克是一个讲究策略的游戏,也是一个美丽的游戏。向我的中国粉丝问好!

WSOP 欧洲站



到了赛场,我就得把凯撒忘了,全身心投入打好比赛,并拿出自己的最佳水平。你们知道,近一两年来我看起来不怎么在状态,主要是我一直在尝试不同的技术和策略。我逐步从紧手、耐心的策略向更松、更富侵略性的策略变化。我在今年WSOP比赛中6次进钱圈,但却十年来第一次没有进入任何最终桌。拿着8c7c这样的牌去call raise和reraise的问题是你将时常处于一个困难境地,玩这些牌你将必须做出更多的决策。当flop出J-8-2时,你是否会call一个big bet,或者fold?当然,偶尔玩一下8c-7c可能会带来巨大的收益,但是更常见的是你讲被这种牌搞死。毫无疑问,玩这种同花连牌会导致很大的波动,我不喜欢,我喜欢稳定的盈利!当我把众多筹码推出去时,我喜欢向对手展示超强的牌,甚至是nuts。我喜欢靠实力取胜,没有弱点、没有不确定性。

我在枪口位置用Ts-7s加注,4个人call。Flop 10c-9d-6s,我在3000的池子里下注1500,后面的家伙加注到3000,其他人弃牌。考虑到我只有8500筹码了,同时这家伙是一个非常松的牌手,因此我决定冲上去。我allin,这家伙call了并展示了T-9,哇,现在我得寄希望于一个8或者两个黑桃了。转牌是奇迹般的黑桃8,现在我的对手连黑桃9也指望不上了——那样我就成了同花顺。当另一个没什么作用的8出现在河牌,我感到非常幸运能够继续留在比赛中。我重新评估了这种打法,我曾不用allin就能在比赛中走很远,但是这种打法逼着我在第一天就要allin。现在我将回归到超紧的“经典Phil”打法,所以在今后的几年里,除非你用炸药把我轰出去,否则我将在扑克比赛中所向披靡!





让我们更为仔细地分析一下这手牌。我不喜欢玩家A在枪口位置的全押。我肯定会弃牌。下一手他将处于大盲位置,谁知道那时会发生什么呢。也许某个后位的玩家会用2-2或Q-J加注,或者干脆就是bluff,那样的话玩家A很有可能赢得一个$10000的锅。或者,A可以连续在大小盲注弃牌,当他回到庄家位置时虽只剩$3000筹码,但还有7次机会。菲尔普斯的$29000全押是个很不错的行动,因为他只需担忧处在大盲位置的玩家B。实际上菲尔普斯给玩家B发出了明确的信息:“我有手强牌!”我不喜欢B的跟牌。显然他忽略或是误解了菲尔普斯传达的信息。无论如何,B目前为止只在池底投资了$1000,跟牌需要用A-7杂花再投资$28000。如果“大嘴”Mike Matusow看见玩家B的这个跟牌的话,他一定会大声嚷嚷:“你疯了吗?!”



我很自豪Scott Ian也是一个Ultimatebet.com的签约牌手。Ian是一个摇滚明星,在两支摇滚乐队(“Anthrax”炭疽、“Pearl”珍珠)
可能耗掉Ian 50%的筹码,甚至更多!



15分钟后,Ian轮到了大盲位置。地主在枪口位置用对10加注到950,所有人弃牌;Ian用A-8再加注到3100,地主call。flop 是
展示了一张8。也许很多人在rier 8出现时会check,期望自己会幸运地战胜对手,但是Ian却像大师一样露了一手!
我有一个来自旧金山的朋友Joe Lakob。他是世界上最有实力的风险投资人之一,同时也是波士顿凯尔特人队小股东。Lakob的风险投资公司有点像U2乐队,在几十年里始终有连续不断的杰作。不像世界上大多数的成功风险投资家,Lakob始终是个低调的人。最近,Lakob和他可爱的女友Nicole决定参加在Bellagio举行的“Festa al Lago”扑克比赛(15000美金买入WPT赛事)。自然而然地,Lakob和Nicole找到我帮他们出出主意。我和他们聚了聚,同时给了他们一些策略,以使他们能在比赛中尽量长的存活并且有机会赢下比赛。

我教给了他们“经典Phil”策略,也就是翻牌前超紧(在有人加注的情况下不玩78s,89s和A4s);在翻牌前除非有口袋对,否则不要入局;另外,在每一小时内用弱牌翻牌前至少再加注弱的对手一次。我还教了他们如何慢打暗三。Lakob牢牢记住了我的建议,尽管这种策略有时候显得很枯燥和无聊,他还是在比赛的前两天坚持了下来。不仅如此,他每一次出招的时机也是把握的刚刚好。Lakob遵循我的建议,每小时都用垃圾牌再加注一次,而且每次他这么做,对手都弃牌了。因此,在第三天前我建议Lakob只要发现对手的弱点,他都应该翻牌前再加注。这么说吧,如果你再加注每次都成功,很明显你对对手的阅读很精确,而当你能够精确阅读对手的时候,你应该把再加注战术的使用提升一个档次。(我自己在第二天出局了,输了两个55开的show down,一次90000的锅AK输给QQ,另一次40000的锅AK输给JJ)


我赞同Lakob翻牌前用A8s在小盲位标准加注到3BB。我也同意大盲用QJ跟。但我不赞同Lakob用42000去全推一个20000的锅。我的意思是,Lakob牌很强,根本不用这么激进。为什么不下个小注,或者让牌引诱对方诈唬?这种情况下,给对手一个免费牌不是坏事情,希望他逼你全进,或者至少给机会让他用锅底大小的下注来诈唬。另一种选择是,Lakob也可以做一个5000到9000之间的价值下注。我最不喜欢的是大盲用QJ跟42000的全推!为什么用你大部分的筹码去赌卡张顺?为什么不等待一个更好的机会?不管怎么说,Lakob打的相当好,干得好 Joe!

住我所有的世界扑克锦标赛纪录!当然,Johnny Chan, Doyle Brunson, Erik Seidel,和
Phil Ivey都在我的路上!

留言,每天会有一个或两个:www.twitter.com / phil_hellmuth。两个星期前,我有幸在贾
斯汀(Justin Timberlake)的PGA拉斯维加斯巡回演出上见到了他。我是他的歌迷,报道上也说
上有一张贾斯汀,Alice Cooper,Kenny G,和我的酷酷图片。周三早晨赛之后,我径直到杰夫舒
尔曼(Jeff Shulman)家5个小时去给他的“11月9日”做辅导。当然,杰夫已经是一个有成就的牌
时间我与杰夫和他的父亲Barry Shulman(刚刚赢得了WSOPE Main Event --这儿谁在给谁上
课呀!?!),Diego, Adam,和其他几个人一起工作。我们讨论了各手牌,战术,和最好的制致胜策
略,我从中学到了不少东西。 Diego知道每一个对手和他们的倾向,我们广泛地谈论了其他八个选手

周五晚上我坐飞机回家,收到消息说我的公关Lara Miller搞定了11月1日Green Bay Packers
在主场Lambeau Field与the Vikings比赛的贵宾卷。 Brett Favre的重现!我是一个超
Packers和denver的比赛,但是我们输了。我周六飞到Green Bay,周日再返回到拉斯维加斯。

波太多(London, Aruba, San Antonio, Vegas),也许是我的睡眠呼吸设备需要更换。我讨

我想感觉清醒,因为明天我要和Phil Laak, Antonio, Annette Obrestad, Mike
Matusow,我想还有EDOG,打“Poker after Dark”2万美元买入的赛事。然后,周五我要与
Chris “Jesus” Ferguson,还有其他四个合格牌手拍另一个“Poker after Dark”2万美元

Chan和Ivey一起为ESPN周三的“November Nine”节目拍一个片段,这应该很好玩儿!另外,我
拍些“Poker after Dark,” -但这次是现金游戏-下周四(50 000美元买入)和周五(10万美
元买入),然后下周六“November Nine”于中午在Rio Hotel酒店开始,一整天我都将在那里支



全押就能在比赛中顺利前进。参加Bellagio 15000美元买入的WPT比赛时,我决定每个小时得瑟一把。一般来说75%的情况下这种
“Phil Hellmuth poker”!
指导Jeff Shulman – 第一部分


在最终桌到来之前的四个月里,选手们都会想办法提升自己获得WSOP冠军称号的机会。因此,一些选手开始寻找扑克教练来帮助他们提高最后阶段的战术。Jeff Shulman找到了我,我欣然同意指导他。第一个原因是,2000的WSOP决赛桌,当时我在现场用Andy Glazer的破手机做一个网络现场直播,目睹了Shulman被不可思议的坏运气击倒在第7名,我很为他难过。当时桌上还有7人,Shulman筹码领先,一把Shulman设法让Chris “Jesus” Ferguson全下了他的80万筹码,Shulman的一对7对Ferguson的一对6。如果Shulman胜出,他将有320万筹码,远超筹码第二位的50万。然而,Shulman输了那把,没过几手,Shulman拿到KK,不幸撞上了Ferguson的AA被淘汰,从天堂掉到地狱。第二天我在直播中不断提到Shulman的名字,因为我觉得老天对他太不公平了。

我同意指导Shulman的第二个原因是我们是生意上的伙伴,我是“Card Player”杂志的第三大股东。第三个原因是我完全相信尽管我们的风格类似,我依然能够在战术上帮助到Shulman,毕竟我在德州扑克上的成就有目共睹。我有超过30次的WSOP德州扑克决赛桌经验(历史第一),并赢了其中的11次(历史第一),其中包括1989年的主赛事冠军。我自信我能提供帮助。现在决赛桌已经结束,我可以向大家透露我的训练计划了。

首先,我们有一个小组来讨论牌例和战术,小组成员包括Adam Schoenfeld, pitcher Orel Herhisher, WSOP手链拥有者Diego Cordovez,和Shulman的父亲,刚刚赢得WSOP欧洲主赛事冠军的Barry。其次,我们把8位对手在本次WSOP中的每一手牌打印出来(50页的一大摞)并仔细研究。第三,我们仔细观察了对手们在ESPN转播中的每一个动作。由于Shulman在决赛开始时依然有两千万筹码,而盲注只有125000/250000,我们认为Shulman拥有足够的时间来增加筹码。为了达成用最小的风险先进入前三的目标,我建议Shulman采用超级保守和超级紧的策略,尤其是桌上有还有8到9名选手的时候。Shulman赞同这个方案,他父亲Barry也支持这个方案,Barry也是采用类似的策略在WSOP欧洲主赛事中取得了冠军。在潜心研究一个月后,我建议Shulman第一个进入彩池时要加注到4或者5倍盲注,也就是说大盲25万的时候,我要求Shulman加注到至少100万。为什么呢?理由是在这么大的一个翻牌前加注下,我不认为对手们会用小对或者同花连张去跟,同时也降低了对手再加注偷鸡一个超紧玩家的可能性。因此,我认为翻牌前强力加注会迫使其他人扔掉他们的弱起手牌,也减少了Shulman可能面对的再加注偷鸡,从而让Shulman没有抵抗的拿下很多小彩池。同时,如果Shulman拿到TT,而有人再加注,Shulman可以很容易的扔掉TT,因为很大可能对手有超对或者AK。

杰夫舒尔曼(Jeff Shulman)的课--第二部分

在第一部分,我的上一个专栏,我谈到在长达四个月的休赛期间,杰夫舒尔曼请我做他的WSOP\'s \"十一月九号”(World Series of Poker)\"Novermber Nine\" 的辅导。 牌手们在七月十五号获得了终桌参赛权, 并且在十一月七号和九号进行了终桌比赛。 我提到我有资做这个教练----在WSOP的德州扑克比赛中我41次进入终桌,并且尔赢了11次---- 而且自从我看到他在2000年WSOP的最后一把牌之后,我心里有一个柔软的地方为舒尔曼留着。 我也提到,舒尔曼两千万筹码,大小盲从$125,000-$250,000 开始,我劝舒尔曼采用超紧打法,并且在翻牌前要提高叫牌筹码,提高到大盲的5倍来叫牌。

我喜欢我们作为一个团队来辅导舒尔曼。在房间里,我们有Diego Cordovez(WSOP无限德州扑克赛手镯获得者),杰夫的父亲Barry Shulman(在赢得了WSOPE主赛后,这个星球上最炙手可热的牌手),前Cy Young奖得主Orel Hershisher(帮助舒尔曼调整心态),还有几个帮助我们模拟终桌比赛几十小时的人。 我们打印出在网上所能找到的其他“November Nine\"参赛牌手的每一手牌----46页长----我们一一读过。 我们观看了ESPN上播放的“November Nine\"牌手的每一手牌,当他们Bluff或是有一手超强好牌的时候,我们会翻来覆去看很多次,这样的话舒尔曼会对他的对手很了解。 我们按照“November Nine\"各个牌手的筹码数设计了一个牌桌,在每一堆筹码钱放上相应牌手的照片。 我们玩了几小时7人桌,几小时6人桌,几小时5人桌,几小时4人桌,几小时3人桌,我们每个人扮演“November Nine\"不同牌手。如果舒尔曼入锅来打了,我们会花长时间讨论他的策略。他是否打的足够紧?他是否下了正确的筹码?我们真的在做我们的工作!

我拿出我的魔法袋里一个新的策略,建议舒尔曼提高叫牌筹码到大盲的5倍,目的是把其他拿了小对子(对小对子来说应5倍的叫牌比较困难),拿了同花顺子牌( 对同花顺子来说应5倍的叫牌也比较困难)挡在锅外。也把可能在翻牌前Bluff舒尔曼的人挡住了(要想Bluff一个打得很紧并且一旦入锅就把叫牌筹码升得很高的牌手是困难的)。并且如果终于有人再抬高舒尔曼的叫牌的话,那么舒尔曼就知道对方的牌超强了,并且即便他拿了象JJ这样的牌还能脱离险境了。

当舒尔曼真的坐在WSOP主赛终桌上,ESPN的摄像机滚动着把现场网络直播传送给百万人的时候,还有成千的人在Penn and Teller剧场观看直播----舒尔曼真表现的非常冷静和自信。 舒尔曼努力跟着计划走,并且10小时内之玩儿了一手 All-in, 他的A-k对Joe Cada的A-J; 当舒尔曼保持领先赢了的时候,我觉得其他的选手陷入麻烦了。 当然是,50分钟后Cada拿了他的3-3对牌All-in来应叫舒尔曼的J-J, 锅里有两千两白万。如果不是Cada击中他那神奇的3(8-7-3-4-Q),舒尔曼将会有三千万来开始四人桌比赛,但是舒尔曼只剩下7百万筹码了,并且还有5个牌手在比赛。舒尔曼的对7又输给了A-9,作为第5名出局了。 我是不是会改变一点点辅导舒尔曼的策略呢? 不可能! 如果Cada没有击中神奇的3,舒尔曼很可能赢得2009 WSOP, 打得好!杰夫!

在上几个专栏里,我透露了我为Jeff Shulman参加WSOP主赛事决赛桌所制定的“培训计划”。大体上,当自己还有2000万筹码,盲注 125,000-250,000/ante20,000时,我建议Shulman采取超紧手策略,并在入局时要加注五倍大盲。Jeff的老爸Barry Shulman, 就是靠超紧手策略赢得了WSOPE的冠军,而我们三人都认为这是最好的策略。顺便说一下,我也预见到了Phil Ivey同样会采取超紧手策略。何必要去冒险呢?Shulman和Ivey是最好的牌手,只需耐心等待业余牌手按耐不住自毁长城即可。巨大的压力:创造历史,ESPN的电视转播,世界舞台的中央,数百万美元奖金的诱惑,这些都诱发了业余选手WSOP决赛桌上的自毁行为。

当盲注升至 200,000/400,000时,Shulman在Button拿到了9-9,并用170万首个入局。随后Ivey在大盲位置全推了690万筹码。 Shulman在这手牌之前有1590万,他数了690万筹码,足足想了一分钟。有必要回顾一下此前的情形:当Ivey是大盲时,Shulman在 Button位已经扔掉了很多手牌。这一次Shulman加注了,他认为Ivey应该知道自己有一手至少像样的牌。当时我在做Internet直播,说到:“Ivey看起来不是特别好的牌,我猜是类似A9不同花之类的。所以Shulman应该用A-Q,甚至A-J去call。”Shulman扔掉了自己的9-9,当时有人说Ivey的牌是K-Q(这是真的)。

虽然很多好牌手比如Barry Greenstein, “大嘴”Mike Matusow以及“教授”Howard Lederer都说很明显应该拿9-9去call,但我百分百站在Shulman一边,实际上我认为这是个明显的fold。当我做决定时我总是关注整体的图景。9-9够好么?是的。我会在其他比赛里call么?是的。因此第一感觉是这不是一个好的fold。但是这个fold使得Shulman仍然保留 1400万的筹码,这在决赛桌深筹码阶段的比赛中还说的过去,也使得他在与水平较低对手对决时有处于较有利的位置。但是如果call了,要么只剩700 万,要么剩2500万;但是700万的筹码将使Shulman处于不利的位置,并不得不拿一些较差的牌跟对手火拼。我赞同这个fold,因为我喜欢保存自己的筹码。扔掉9-9,耐心些,等其他对手被淘汰,到只剩四五个人的时候再瞅准好机会把所有筹码推出去。当我放弃一手大牌时我总是考虑这些因素。有一点要补充一下,Shulman很好地执行了自己的计划,几个小时后用自己的A-K全入,正好碰上了Cada的A-J。十个小时中只有一个全入,这是零风险的扑克。

一个小时后,只剩下5个人了,Shulman又用自己的J-J把Cada的3-3圈了进来。Cada这次走运,把Shulman淘汰了,但是如果 Shulman的J-J顶住了(他有4.5比1的优势),那么他就将在最后四人赛时坐拥3000万筹码!我喜欢这个9-9弃牌么?是的,尤其是后来的故事证明了这一点。Shulman本该拿到更多奖金么?是的,应该。

在上个星期的专栏说到,J.Shulman在纽扣以9-9加注后遭到P.Ivey在大盲注用KQ全推,然后弃牌了。从ESPN的播映,这一手fold是非常居有争论性的弃牌。但是J.Shulman的最居争论性弃牌在当时的决赛场,是没有被编入在节目里边。J.Shulman fold 掉 9-9后,拥有14MM, 当 A.Saout (坐在J.Shulman的右手) 首开加注到1百万,然后J.Shulman(有AK) 再加注到4百万, 其他都丢牌, 然后A.Stout 4bet 全推。如果J.Shulman要跟牌需要多放10MM,经过一分钟的仔细的思考,J.Shulman弃掉他的AK。表面上没有人喜欢J.Shulman的弃牌! Shulman将自己的28%筹码投入后,然后弃掉AK。从数学角度来说,你必须将对手的牌的范围缩小成只有AA或KK。如果你的对手有AK(有非常的可能性),那么就是平分。如果对手有QQ,JJ,TT(也是非常有可能的),那么我们大概是 12 to 10的落后。但是窝里的钱是给予我们 19 to 10的赔率。没有人喜欢J.Shulman的弃牌(除了我和J.Shulman自己),尽管是B.Shulman(Jeff的父亲)对这个fold得好还是不好也有质疑。

但是,对我与J.Shulman来说,这个弃牌是有三点。第一,这个可能就是50/50的赌博(QQ,JJ,TT), Stout也有可能真的有AA,KK(如果是,这个是个非常惊人的弃牌)。第二是,这个弃牌是关于\"后来的故事\"。第三,盲注还小,所以为何我们不要等更好的机会呢?我的意思是,可能当Shulman下一次all-in的时候,已经有两三个人被淘汰了。

如果是50/50的赌博,那么Shulman一是可能拥有29MM, 二是在第八名出局。为什么要赌博呢?如果盲注是比较大加上J.Shulman知道是50/50,他就会跟牌了。当时的盲注是200k/400k, 如果Shulman知道是50/50的赌注,那么他可以fold, 因为“后来的故事”

“后来的故事”是J.Shulman以 2.5 to 1的优势 all-in, J.Shulman的AK对上Cada的AJ。J.Shulman赢了14MM的窝。然后 Cada (33)all-in, Shulman有JJ, 但是非常的不幸,Shulman输掉了这个22MM的窝。否则的话只剩下四个人, J.Shulman将会拥有超过30MM。

所以以当时的盲注,加上接下来J.Shulman自己表演的精彩的“后来的故事”, 使到这个AK 的丢牌是好的。这个弃牌会是好的,因为那个玩家是J.Shulman。另一个意思是,不要弃掉这个牌在你平常的games。我相信99.9%的人会以AK跟牌。


Annie Duke 显示了职业牌手是有些热心肠的 -- 并且热心付出 -- 在慈善募捐的时候,在她赢了的时候(哦,她赢得了第二名,第一名是Joan Rivers)在上一季的\"名人学徒”里。 Duke从牌界募得慈善捐款$500,000。 在这样的精神氛围下,在十一月一个疯狂的的星期里,我主办和主持了四个扑克慈善比赛。 13号星期五,我飞到蒙特利尔为Starlight基金主持了一个活动,我们为需要帮助的儿童募得$250,000。 接下来的星期一我去了曼哈顿,星期二的晚上我帮助主持了在华尔街举办的Roy“ The oracle\" Winston慈善募捐活动。然后星期三晚上在Mandarin Oriental 酒店我为CHOP(费城儿童医院)主办主持了募捐活动,一个晚上募得一百万! 我爱曼哈顿! 星期四我去了亚利桑那州的凤凰城, 和20名职业牌手,20名名人一起为“阵亡将士基金” 主办主持了一个周末的扑克,高尔夫,以及用电激枪击打Brandon Cantu活动! 我们可能募得$500,000; 你可以在www.holdemforheroes.com网站了解更多关于这次活动,和\"阵亡将士基金” --他们为在岗位上牺牲的将士的家属提供金钱帮助。你可以在www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth 观看Cautu被电激电击的录像。

星期六晚上,在Antonio ”The Magician\" Esfandiari 赢了主赛,Jeff Madsen赢了第二之后,我们开始了“胜者的比赛”,这个比赛由在这一个礼拜的四个慈善活动中获胜的前两名选手和我一起角逐World Series of Poker 的$10,000 的买入席位。 Esfandiari, Madsen和我都在席上,这是个不好打的比赛。

当我们九人桌时,大小盲是$100-$200, 我手拿6-6在前位以$600开叫,Madsen -- 他就坐在我的左手,以A-A应叫。 Flop出来7-7-6, 我Checked, Madsen也Checked。 在转上来了个2, 我叫了$800, Madisen 靠。在河牌上10跳出来,我叫$1200, Madisen思考了一下,注意到小我只有$2200剩下来,就说:“我只打算靠一下。” 然后Madisen亮了他的A-A, 我说道,“变态!打的很好,你绝对输了最小的量!“

让我们把这手牌拆开了来看: 我开始的Raise叫牌$600 是标准的。 Madisen手拿A-A的平靠$600是很高级的玩儿法。 Madisen试图套住我们后面的一个牌手, 还有我。 我喜欢这种玩儿法, 特别是另几个牌手那一天特别Agreesive(狂野,侵略), 那么Madsen合情合理地希望其中一个会Reraise, 或者把他们手上的牌打过。 我在Flop之后Check还可以,或许叫下牌更好,如今每个人都期望一个续叫(在 Flop上叫牌), 这样在这里Checking表现了一种强 势! Madisen在我之后 Check Flop 是个好的打法。 他在这里 Check和我 Check是一个原因, 套住我。 Madisen 在Flop上的Check显得弱,因为这个我可能在Turn上用一手弱牌叫牌, 或者试着Bluff。 或者我可能得到一手象K-Q(中一对K或者一对Q)这样的牌而破产。 在Turn上,我喜欢我的小叫牌$800。 我试着让Madisen手拿象A-Q这样的牌来应叫, 或者给他一个机会试着Bluff。 他在Turn上平靠$800很好。再一次,Madisen可能认为他手上的牌最好, 或许我在Bluffing. 并且如果我有K-K或者Q-Q, 他可以在河牌上把我所有的筹码吃光。我在河牌上的 $1200叫牌还可以。 我怎么能知道他有一对大对子, 并且一对A-A也只是靠了一下呢?我只是努力用我的Full House(葫芦?)从他那里多挤出点儿,尽量多赚。 Madisen在河牌上平靠我的$1200是非常好的玩儿法! 我是说,我不会给世上什么人介绍这种玩儿法,除非你能“变态读出”你的对手,Madison做到了这个。 事实上,ALL-IN Raise是更标准的玩儿法,特别是考虑到我只剩$2200筹码。 作为正式记录,我喜欢ALL-IN 玩儿法,除非你有Madisen的技艺!

Recently I was playing in a monstrous $400-$800 blind no limit Hold’em game. After Antonio “The magician” Esfandiari limped under the gun, another player limped, and I limped in with Ks-2s in the cutoff (one position right of the button). The flop was 7s-6h-5s, the player in the big blind bet out $5,000, the magician called, and I called. The turn card was the 8s, which looked pretty magical to me as I made the second nut flush! The player in the big blind checked, the magician bet $10,000, and I opted to call. The other player folded, and the last card was the 3d. Now the magician bet $30,000, and I decided to just call while I said, “Well, I cannot fold, and I’m not going to raise it up.” The magician showed the As-Qs, and I thought to myself, “So sick, what a cooler!”

最近,我正在玩一个可怕的 $400-$800盲注无限德州扑克现金局。(其中有一局)“魔术师” Antonio Esfandiari在枪口下Limped in,另外一位选手靠,我用Ks-2s在cutoff位置(Button的右手位)靠。富老婆出来是7s-6h-5s,大盲位的选手下注 $5,000,魔术师和我都靠。Turn上翻牌出来是8s —— 我不得不说这相当的神奇,因为我凑成第二大坚果(nut)同花牌!大盲位置的选手让牌,魔术师下注$10,000,而我选择靠。大盲位置的选手fold,而河牌出来是3d。现在魔术师下注 $30,000,我在决定仅仅靠牌的同时说道:“我可不能fold这手牌,当然,我也不会再加注了。”魔术师亮牌As-Qs(第一大nut同花!!),然后我对自己说“这太变态了,居然真有这么巧!”

Let’s take closer look at this hand. The magician used a play that I use myself sometimes, when he just called with the As-Qs before the flop. The power of this play is that oftentimes you can hit a huge hand, and have your opponent completely buried. Like when it comes Q-10-3, and your opponent has a queen. Of course, by not raising it up pre-flop and winning the $1,200 in blind and antes risk free, you open yourself up to losing the hand, or to even getting buried when it comes Q-10-3, and your opponent has Q-10. The standard play would be to raise it up pre-flop with As-Qs under the gun. My $800 call before the flop was a little bit loose, but it was OK. The magician’s call on the flop was standard, although a more aggressive line would have him raising it up on the flop with his flush draw and two over cards. Still, I favor the call. Why raise it up on the flop, only to have an opponent reraise with trips, or two pair, or a made straight? If your opponent does have one of these hands, then you’re a big underdog to win the pot. My call on the flop was standard.

现在,我们来回顾一下这手牌。魔术师在富老婆前用As-Qs仅仅用靠牌(译者按,即大盲入局),这是一种我自己有时也使用的技巧。这样玩的好处是有时你恰好能翻到一手超大牌,而你的对手对此一无所知。比如,翻牌是Q-10-3,你对手手里有个Queen。当然,翻牌前不加注你失去了无风险赢得$1,200锅底的机会,同时你把自己放在了一个可能丢掉这一手,甚至埋葬自己的位置。例如,翻牌是Q-10-3,而你的对手手里是Q-10。这里,标准玩法是As-Qs在翻牌前在枪下加注。我在翻牌前$800 靠牌是有点松,但仍然可以接受。魔术师在翻牌后靠牌是标准玩法,虽然更凶狠的打法会是在翻牌时以他(可能的)两张Over(指As和Qs)同花牌就加注。不过,我自己在这种情况下更喜欢靠牌。有什么理由要在富老婆上加注,而让你的对手用暗三,或是两对,或是成型的顺子来再次加注?如果你的对手确实拥有这三种牌型之一时,你将很难赢得这一锅。我在富老婆上靠也是标准玩法。

On the turn, I like the magician’s $10,000 bet, and my call was actually a little weak. Most players would have raised it up with a king high flush right then and there. I mean, what are the odds that your opponent has an ace high flush? It is more likely that he has a smaller flush, a straight, or even trips, and you want to try to extract more money out of one of those three hands! I mean, you could lose a lot of action if the last card is a spade, or pairs the board (you may even lose the pot to a paired board!). So the best play here is to raise it up when Antonio bet out on the turn, but in my case I thought that a likely hand that the magician may have been holding was the As-Xs. I mean, the magician did limp into the pot in first position, and he did bet out on both streets after he hit his flush. Also, a raise eliminates the other player, who may well have been drawing dead by now. The magician did have the ace high flush, so my “Weak call” turned out to be a great play! I love the magicians $30,000 bet on the river. There was nothing I could do about the $30,000 call. In fact, I would sooner raise it up, then fold this hand. The magician could have easily have had a queen high flush, a smaller flush, or even a bluff (considering our history together). It was a sick hand, but it could have been worse for me, if the magician checked on the turn or the river. So as it turns out I lost the minimum, but $50,000 sure doesn’t sound like a “Minimum” number to me!!

在Turn上,我喜欢魔术师$10,000的下注,而实际上我的靠则有些软。绝大部分选手这时会马上选择用King High的同花来再加注。我的意思是,想想有多大的几率你的对手会有一个Ace High的同花?更大的可能性是他们拥有小一点的同花,或是顺子,甚至暗三,而你的目标就是从这三种牌型里面榨出更多的钱来!而假如最后一张river牌是黑桃或者将牌面凑成了一对(你甚至有可能因为牌面上有一对而丢掉锅!译者按:指四条!),你将失去很多先机。所以,这里最好的策略是在魔术师在turn上注上再加注。但当时我已经隐约感觉到魔术师手里可能拿着是As-Xs。我的意思是,魔术师确实是第一个进入锅下注的,而两张牌后,他拿到了同花。同时,再加注是会赶走其他对手,而在那个时候(指魔术师下注10000的时候)加注前他们可能已经会退出了。因为魔术师确实拿到了Ace High同花,所以最终我的“弱靠”变成了最好的玩法!我喜欢魔术师最后在河牌上$30,000的下注。因为最终我只能选择$30,000靠。事实上,我宁愿在Turn上再加注,然后fold这手牌。魔术师更大的可能是拥有Queen High或是更小的同花,甚至是Bluff (考虑到我们一起玩牌的历史记录)。这确实是非常变态的一手牌,如果魔术师在Turn上或是河牌上check我,那我还将损失更多的钱。所以最终的结果是,我的玩法让我损失最小化,但$50,000对我来说绝不是一个“最小”的数字!!
OK, it is the morning of Tuesday December 29, and I want to focus this BLOG on the last decade. Although 2009 was my worst year ever in poker (more below), I have reason to celebrate a great decade in poker and life. I want to thank the powers that be for ALL of the following blessings: I have perfect health and an amazing wife (for twenty years now!), my family is healthy, I picked up five WSOP bracelets, I won an NBC Heads Up Championship, I had tons of cashes and final tables at the WSOP, I helped launch <!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.Ultimatebet.com\">http://www.Ultimatebet.com</a><!-- m -->, I emceed poker tournaments that raised almost $10 million for charity, we donated hundreds of thousands of dollars of our own money to charity, my wife and I raised two fine boys almost into adulthood, I launched a clothing line (Poker Brat Clothing Company) and a publishing company (Phil’s House Publishing), we launched a cell phone game (PHTH Phil Hellmuth’s Texas Hold’em) that has 1.3 million users in the USA alone, we just launched another cell phone game on IPHONE and other smart phones in over 180 cell phone systems across the world, I bought a piece of 15 different companies including the amazing online device reputation security company “Iovation” and the industry leading “Card Player Magazine,” “Milwaukee’s Best” beer here put a picture of me and one of my lines on 12 million beer cans, I am the star of the WSOP video game across all systems (from XBOX to Nintendo), I sold nearly $1 million dollars worth of my four-and-a-half hour long poker course online at philssecrets.com, I sold tons of my “Phil Hellmuth’s Million Dollar Secrets” videos, I sold 50,000 copies of my second book “Bad Beats and Lucky Draws,” Phil’s House Publishing put out its first book “Deal Me In” (a few months ago and sold 15,000 copies already), I put my poker column into over 50 newspapers, I wrote a series of columns for “USA Today” (7 million readers) and “USA Today Online” (7 million readers), in some ways I helped grow the sport of poker, we put together a great team of people to run my life and companies from a COO and a personal assistant to a full time maid and a bill payer, and I wrote a New York Times Best Selling book “Play Poker like the Pros.” What a decade!


好,现在是12月29号星期二早上,我以此博客来记下我这牛逼的扑克十年。虽然2009年是我玩扑克有史以来最糟糕的一年(见下文),我仍然有理由庆祝这是我生活和扑克的牛逼10年。我想真诚地感谢下面我所有拥有的幸运:我有一个健康的身体和一个了不起的妻子(结婚20周年了!)。我的家庭是和睦的。我取得了5个WSOP手镯。我赢得了一个NBC Heads Up冠军。我赢得了无数的奖金和WSOP的Final Table参赛权。我帮助建立了www.Ultimatebet.com网站。我主办的扑克锦标赛筹集了将近100万美元的善款。我自己捐献了数万(hundreds of thousands)美元给慈善机构。我的妻子和我一起将两个孩子养育成人。我投资了一个服装生产线(扑克布莱德服装公司)和一家出版公司(Phil’s House Publishing)。我们推出了一个手机扑克游戏(PHTH Phil Hellmuth’s Texas Hold’em),这个游戏在美国就有1千2百万玩家。我们刚刚又在Iphone和超过180个智能手机系统上推出了另一个手机游戏。我入股了15个不同的公司,包括著名的在线设备安全公司“Iovation\"和业界领先的”Card Player“杂志。”Milwaukee\' Best\"啤酒把我的照片和我的服装产品印制到他们一千二百万个啤酒罐上。我是跨平台WSOP视频游戏中的明星角色。我的网站philssecrets.com售出了将近1百万美元的在线扑克教程(4个半小时长)。我卖出了无数“Phil Hellmuth百万美元的秘密”视频教程。我的第二本书“Bad Beats and Lucky Draws”卖出了50,000本。“Phil’s House Publishing”出版了它的第一本书“Deal Me In”(几个月来已经卖出了1,5000本)。我的扑克专栏在50家不同的报纸上刊登。我为“USA Today”和在线版“USA Today Online”写一个系列专栏(有700万读者 )。在某种程度上,我帮助了扑克运动的普及。我组建了一个优秀的团队来运营我的生活和公司,从全职保姆和账房(Bill payer)到公司COO和私人助理。我的书“Play Poker like the pros”是纽约时代周刊上的畅销书。真是牛逼的10年!

I am proud of my friends as well. Congrats to Howard Lederer on creating an awesome decade for himself, Bub showed amazing versatility on and off the poker tables from winning WSOP bracelets and WPT Titles to exhibiting other worldly business acumen. Doyle Brunson wrote two more books, beat the biggest cash games in the world, and continued to be the king of the poker world for yet another decade. Chris Ferguson started the decade with a WSOP main event title, and ended it with a bunch of bracelets, all the while well creating his own “Jesus” nickname, brand, and incredible business success. Phil Ivey is nothing short of amazing! Ivey won six WSOP bracelets this decade, a WPT event, and deca-millions playing online poker: not too mention the deca-millions he won playing poker in the biggest side games in the world! Ivey also invested money in “Phil’s House Publishing.” I am proud of Daniel Negreanu--although he is my biggest critic!—for his nice decade; he won a couple of WPT events and a couple WSOP events and made tons of final tables. Plus Daniel became a huge star both in and out of the poker world. My boy Layne Flack picked up some WSOP bracelets. Annie Duke won a bracelet, kicked ass in business, and should have won “Celebrity Apprentice” last year. Jennifer Harmon beat one guy for $9 million playing limit Hold’em in one day, picked up a couple of WSOP bracelets, and had a couple of cute kids. Johnny Chan (10 WSOP bracelets) and Erik Seidel (8 WSOP bracelets) kept on kicking serious ass in the poker side games and the poker tournaments all decade long. Sly (Seidel) picked up four bracelets this decade. Gus Hansen won a record four WPT events, way to go Gussy! Then there is Mike Matusow. Mikey kicked ass in tournaments all decade long! Erick “Edog” Lindgren won tons of tournaments, and WSOP Player of the year in 2008, and became one of the sharpest sports bettors on the planet. Poker superstars and Uber talents Chau Giang, David Oppenheim, Tom Dwan, Barry Greenstein, John Hennigan, John Juanda, Phil Galfond, Ilary Sahamanies, Eli Elezra, Sammy Farha, and Patrick Antonious won tons of money in the high stakes side games, both online and offline!

我同样为我的朋友们感到骄傲。祝贺霍华德莱德勒(Howard Lederer),他同样为自己创造了辉煌的十年:他不仅在扑克桌上叱诧风云赢得从WSOP手镯到WPT冠军,在商界他同样显示出世界级的精明。刀友不让孙(Doyle Brunson)又出了两本新书,赢得了世界上最大的现金桌,并在下一个10年里继续他的扑克王者之路。克里斯弗格森(Chris Ferguson)以一个WSOP主赛事冠军开始了属于他的10年,然后他继续赢得了更多的手镯,属于他的昵称“耶稣”,个人品牌和难以置信商业上的成功。菲尔艾维(Phil Ivey)从来不缺乏惊喜!艾维在10年内赢得了6个WSOP手镯,1个WPT赛事和在线扑克几百万的现金,更别提他在迄今为止最大的对赌局(Side Game。译者按,不太清楚这个词组该怎么翻译,望达人教之)中高达几百万的现金(译者按,指他在2009年跟人对赌自己能进入WSOP主赛事到最终桌,最后他赌赢了600万,链接:http://www.cardplayer.com/poker- ... n-in-wsop-side-bets)。值得一提的是艾维也入股了“Phil’s House Publishing”出版社。我为丹尼尔内格雷亚努(Daniel Negreanu)——虽然他是我最大的批评者——这10年的成就骄傲。他赢得了一系列WPT赛事和一些WOSP赛事,并无数次的进入最终桌。与此同时,丹尼尔成为了家喻户晓的明星,无论是扑克世界内还是大众生活。我的好友莱恩弗莱克(Layne Flack)也赢取了几个WSOP手镯。安尼杜克(Annie Duke)赢得了一个手镯,在生意场上春风得意,并差点就赢得了去年“名人学徒赛”的冠军。珍妮哈蒙(Jenniffer Harmon)在有限扑克游戏里一天内赢了一个男人900万,赢得了一堆WSOP手镯并有了几个可爱的孩子。陈强尼(Johnny Chan)(10个WSOP手镯得主)和埃里克赛德尔(Erik Seidel) 在这10年里继续保持在对赌局和各种扑克锦标赛中所向披靡。塞德尔(Seidel)赢得了4个手镯。戈斯汉森(Gus Hansen)创纪录地赢得了4项WPT冠军,毫无疑问是Gus式的疯狂(way to go Gussy)!然后是我们的迈克•马图索(Mike Matusow),这10年他在各种各样的锦标赛里称王称霸!埃里克“Edog”林格伦(Erick “Edog” Lindgren)赢取了无数比赛的冠军,更是2008年WSOP的年度选手,毫无疑问他已经成为这个星球上最棒的赌徒(编者按,扑士?!)之一。下列扑克超级明星和天才们Chau Giang, David Oppenheim, Tom Dwan, Barry Greenstein, John Hennigan, John Juanda, Phil Galfond, Ilary Sahamanies, Eli Elezra, Sammy Farha, and Patrick Antonious在各种线上和线下的高额对赌局中取胜。

我传统的“假日扑克赛”今年又一次在威斯康辛麦迪逊举办了,而这一次的项目是1000买入 $5-$5盲注的有限德州扑克赛。每一次我到威斯康辛都是我假日旅行的一个亮点之一!我和一群有意思的人一起比赛,而且玩这种超深筹码(super deep stack)的比赛总是充满了乐趣。今年的比赛从下午4点开始,到了凌晨2点我已经积累了超过$50,000的筹码。你有多少机会能在无限德州扑克的比赛中拥有超过2000大盲的筹码?有了这样深的筹码,你通常可以玩40%的起手牌(hands)都还可以赢钱。当然,这要求你拥有勇气,决心,能时不时大 bluff和小bluff并且会慢玩(slow play)和快玩(fast play)。正确地混合使用这些技术能让你赢利不小,而错误地混合使用它们也会轻易让你损失大笔的筹码。

到了凌晨2点左右,下面讲的这手牌出自 <!-- m --><a class=\"postlink\" href=\"http://www.UB.com\">http://www.UB.com</a><!-- m -->的签约职业牌手\"Poker Ho\"和我。这时盲注是$10,Poker Ho和Jon Green入局,我在Button位置用Js-6s靠。翻牌出来J-5-2彩虹牌(rainbow,译者注,专门指翻出的牌两两都不同花),Ho下注 50,Green靠,而我决定以锅底大小加注(实际上,这时锅底有160,Phil下注260)。在大盲位置的选手弃牌,紧接着Ho很快下注520——一个310的再加注。Green弃牌,我思考了一会,靠。转牌来了个8,Ho宣布,“我以锅底大小下注”,然后我快速地弃牌了。后来他告诉我他这把牌的底牌是一对5。

这手牌是怎么回事?我欣赏Ho用他的暗三在60锅底的时候用50下注。另外一个选择是他可以慢玩这一手超级强大的牌,比如下注20,甚至在flop上check,但是这样做的后果是绝大部分情况下他放弃了赢得一个超级大锅的机会。在flop上check是最糟糕的策略,因为这让局中的三位选手之一在flop上没法check-raise,这样会浪费Ho很多动作(action)。我的意思是,如果三位选手其中之一准备用J-2,J-5,5-2,K-J这样的牌来check-raise,那他已经check 过一轮了。而在后位的选手可能会害怕自己手中的牌在转牌后不再领先,而仅仅下少量注。同样的,如果转牌出来一个6,或者4,或者3,或者A都会减少Ho能做的动作,因为他现在得考虑他对手手中有个顺子的可能性。另一个合理的策略是在flop上下少一点的注。这样下少量注,比如20,的好处是给那些准备 check-raise选手raise的机会(译者注,如前所述,他已经check过了),同时引诱那些有一对或者Ace High甚至更差的牌的选手入局。而这样的做坏处也是明显的,你给了那些拥有卡顺可能(比如6-4,6-3,A-4,或者A-3)的牌手低成本翻牌的机会,然后如果真的让它们做成顺子了你会损失惨重。一句话总结,我认为50下注比下注20好,而在这里check是最坏的策略。

而对于我在flop上260的下注,我认为是合理的。我以锅底大小加注是认为我应该拥有最强的牌,同时这样可以检验我牌力的实际位置。我喜欢Ho的310 再加注,特别是他光速般的执行这个加注动作。因为他如此快的再加注让我有些迷惑了。我讨厌我靠310这个动作!我的意思是,我在flop上加注来查看我牌力的位置——Ho的再加注告诉我:“我有更强的牌”——然后,我不管不顾还是靠了!我不喜欢Ho在turn上锅底大小的下注。为什么他有如此强大的牌时要让我这样快弃牌?虽然我知道他这样做的理由——他在确定我刚才没有用4-3来靠后并打走他。如果我拿着4-3我会弃牌,同样的现在我会轻易放弃一对,甚至两对的牌(如果我有的话)。


现代扑克技术的代表人物汤姆“刀”曾端(Tom \"Durrr\" Dwan)喜欢翻牌下注;刀在他牌力强时下注,他也同样在他牌力弱时下注以取得主动。一次又一次我看到刀通过翻牌下注而直接拿下锅,而他什么牌也没有。他怎样让他的对手们弃牌的呢?这是因为大多数时候刀的翻牌下注让他的对手们处在了一个两难的境地。举例来说,如果有人在翻牌前用对10加注入局,两个人靠,然后这时在大盲位置的刀靠,假设他拿着J-8。翻牌出来Q-9-2。然后刀继续下注,这时轮到拿对10的那个人做出选择。他不能简单的靠,因为他还得担心后面两位靠了他翻牌前加注牌的人,当然他也几乎一定会担心来自刀在转牌(turn)上的威胁(翻牌上仅仅靠显得有些软,所以刀很有可能会在转牌上发力)。拿对10的选手得问问自己,在牌面上有个Q时他愿意投入多少筹码进去。所以,大部分时间刀在翻牌时恰到好处的下注会让那个对10的选手弃牌。另一个翻牌下注的好处是刀可以用这个下注来测试他对手的牌力,如果他觉得他落后,那他下一轮接着更大的诈牌。而如果刀确实拿着强力牌,比如A-Q(在这里例子里),那么他翻牌上下注让他能继续“自然地”在转牌和河牌上下注,这样他可以决定他这一把到底能赢多少。


经典扑克技术的代表人物迈克“大嘴”马图索(Mike “The mouth” Matusow)喜欢在有强力牌比如顶对和三条时翻牌下注。大嘴在牌力强时翻牌下注有两个理由,1)他认为在翻牌上下注这行为本身看似软弱,由此会引诱那些凶狠的选手加注;2)如果有人仅仅靠他,那么他可以控制锅的大小。我本人并不赞同大嘴的这些翻牌下注的战术观点,因为有时他并没有相应的在翻牌上下注诈牌。所以当他仅仅在他牌力强时翻牌下注——大部分时间他拿顶对或是三条而仅仅能赢最小的锅,因为他的对手直接弃牌了。而大嘴在牌力弱时,通常都是过牌—— 弃牌。

在周日 UBOC(UB 在线冠军赛)的 $200 买入比赛中,我对阵 1600 人中剩下的 300 位牌手打得很艰难,这时出现了一手不错的牌。盲注是 $200-$500,底注是$25,我有 $5,900筹码。我在桌上的印象是紧手,因为我打得非常耐心。枪口位置的牌手有 $42,000,是筹码领先者,下注 1,100 打开底池,其他三位盖牌,下一个就该我了,底牌是 Ac-9c。正常情况下,对我来说是要轻易盖牌的,但是打开底池的牌手打过非常多手牌,可能前 20 分钟玩过一半的手牌。30 秒之后,我认为现在我牌最好,决定全下。所有人盖牌到小盲,他决定全下 $21,200。坏了,打开底池的牌手盖牌,小盲亮出了 A-Q,让我出局。

仔细看看这手牌。筹码领先者在九人满桌上发的牌 50% 都进入底池,到底是什么?臭手。他应该保护领先地位,而不是赌博!给筹码领先者的一个例子可能是玩 25%的牌(我并不喜欢),但 50% 就象搬起石头砸自己的脚。那他翻牌前 $1,100 的小加注怎么样?如果每个人都因为这个小加注而盖牌的话,那还可以,但加上底注,我建议用三倍盲注(这个例子中是 $1,500)打开底池。而我用 $5,900 全下时我到底在想什么?在我的防守下,我可能确实牌最好,并且我只剩下了 12 个盲注。但即使我牌最好,左边还有四位牌手在我之后行动。另一个盖牌的原因是筹码领先者几乎一定会跟我。他很松,又很蠢,再扔个 $4,900 对他来说不奇怪。假如他是 Q-T 不同花,而跟了我会怎么样?这时候,我只有 57% 的优势赢下底池。那意味着 43% 的机会我会离开比赛。假如他是 K-9 同花,而跟了我呢?这时候有 35% 的可能性我会被淘汰。“标准的费尔”会很飞快地盖牌,认为他应该在具有很大优势的情况下玩大底池。说实话现在我知道我应该盖牌的。有时我会犯错,特别是在网上,一分钟后会自动盖牌。

小盲牌手的 $21,200 全下怎么样?我不喜欢,但有道理。如果小盲牌手认为,我考虑到我的对手打了多少手牌,我就会用弱一点的牌全下,那他是对的。但,我表现出来的是紧手形象,并且二十分钟之内我只玩了一手牌也证明我玩得很紧。正因为如此,我才不喜欢他的举动。让我们从另一个角度看看:如果小盲牌手完全不知道他的对手玩了多少手牌(比如他刚入桌),那我就更不喜欢他的全下举动。最后,我给六次 WSOP(世界扑克系列赛)手镯获得者 Layne “Back to back” Flack 打了个电话,他这么说:“如果在这种情况下要玩 A-Q,全下比跟注要好得多。全下看起来非常强大,会迫使枪口加注者丢弃口袋对 J,甚至可能A-K。”

关煞位的 QT,加注进入!

UBOC(UltimateBet.com Online Championships)最后一周,出现了一个有趣的情形。盲注 $200-$400,底注 $25,我有 $10,000 筹码,手拿 Q-10 不同花,在关煞位--按钮右边一位。其他人盖牌到我,我瞄了一眼我后面的牌手,特别是他们的筹码数量。按钮位置的牌手有 $4,000 筹码,小盲有 $3,625,大盲有$3,750。怎么办?当然,我可以盖牌,也可以加注,或者平跟。对我来说,盖牌是最坏的选择。我的意思是,如果加注会有非常大的可能迫使其他牌手盖牌,从而让你赢得 $825($200 小盲+$400 大盲+$225 底注)的筹码,你怎么能盖牌呢? Q-10 很容易就是剩下的牌中最好的,即使不是,其他牌手也很可能对于加注而盖掉类似 K-9 不同花的牌,甚至是 A-杂牌(类似 A-4)。我也不同意跟注,虽然我可能是世界上仅有的几个在这种情况下会选择跟注的牌手之一。网上的家伙喜欢加注,现实世界的家伙喜欢加注,但有时我愿意跟注。跟注可以让按钮和小盲盖牌,最终可能在翻牌圈都击中的情况下,给大盲设置个陷阱。比如说,大盲手牌是 9-7,翻牌是 10-9-2。并且,如果我跟了之后,后面有人在翻牌前全下,那我如果盖牌,就只损失了 $400 的跟注。如果我确实跟注 $400 溜进去,并且有人确实全下(我会盖牌),那在比赛后期我会用类似 A-K 的强牌溜进去,这样当他们试图针对我溜进去而再次全下(掉进了我的陷阱),我一定会跟的。虽然我非常想跟这一手,但在网上扑克,我认为最好的选择是加注。

假设这次会加注,你会加到多少?一个观点是最小加注($800),如果有人全下把你踩在脚下时,弃牌。基本上你是冒 $800 的风险去赢 $825。而你的对手仍然会用小对或者 A-杂牌之类的牌全下。如果他们是小于十的对子,你大概是在扔硬币。如果他们是 A-杂牌,你大概有 43% 的机会赢下底池。再看看如果你全下(最大加注),而他们持有 A-杂牌或者小对子,会发生什么。大多数时候他们会盖掉 A-4 或者 小于 6-6 的对子,这时你赢了 $825,而不是用最小加注输了$800。当然,如果他们真的是 A-Q 或者 J-J、Q-Q 占据了优势,那你只输了$800,对上大概 $3,700 的失败。

那还有第三种选择,加注到最大和最小加注之间。仔细考虑之后,我选择加注到$1,600,让剩下三个牌手明白我已经下了决定,如果他们全下我肯定会跟。但是$1,600 的下注比全下加注更好吗?恐怕不是。如果你已经下了决定,为什么不直接全下呢?

Math and Beyond

Recently I played in the $5,000 buy in NAPT (North American Poker Tour) event at the Venetian.  Will the NAPT end up becoming bigger than the WPT (World Poker Tour) someday soon?  Some poker veterans are betting that it will.  After all, the NAPT is broadcast on ESPN II, and it had huge numbers of players for its first two events: 1,500 players in the Bahamas, and 900 players at the Venetian.


最近,我参加了NAPT的5,000元买入的比赛(北美扑克巡回赛)在拉斯维加斯的威尼斯。NAPT将来有一天会不会比世界扑克巡回赛(WPT)还大?有些扑克老玩家说会。毕竟,NAPT的是广播在ESPN2, 还有它的前面两个赛事都有大量的玩家报名:1500玩家在巴哈马群岛(NAPT-PCA),以及900名选手在威尼斯(NAPT-Venetian)。

After a few hours at the table, an interesting hand came up.  But first, let me set the stage a little bit.  Player A was raising up quite a few pots, and when he raised under the gun to $1,600 to go, I made a bad read and I reraised to $5,000 with the Jd-5d.  He called, the flop was 6d-5h-4c, and we both checked.  The turn card was the seven of hearts, and he bet out $6,000, and I called.  The river was a king, and we both checked.  When he showed down 9-9, I was thinking that I could have won this pot with a raise on the turn.  If I sensed weakness (I did), then I should have made my move!  I lied about my hand, saying that I had Ah-Jh, which made for a flush draw on fourth street.  Exactly three hands later my hand of the week came up.  I opened for $1,600 with Qs-Qc, and Player A made it $4,500 to go.  Immediately I sensed that Player A had pocket aces, but my read on him was bad the last time around.  Still, I stared at him and all I could think about was the fact that he had A-A!

在桌子后几个小时后,有一手有趣的牌出现。但首先,让我来说下当时的情况。玩家A是加注了不少的锅,当他在抢口位置加注至1,600元,我读错了对手用Jd5d加注至5,000元。他靠,翻牌是 6d 5h 4c,我们iangge都过牌(观让)。转牌是7h,他下注6,000元,我打靠。河牌是一个K,我们两个都过牌。当他显出9-9,我在想如果我在转牌圈加注我是可以赢得了这个锅。如果我感到对手的虚弱(我有),那么我应该要相信我自己在转牌圈加注!我对对手说谎,说我有AhJh,在第转牌圈的时候听同花。三手过后,我一周内最精彩的手出现。我加注至1,600通过QsQc,玩家A再加注至4,500。我立刻感觉到玩家AA,但上一手我对他读不好。不过,我看着了他,所有我能想到的是,他有AA!

I briefly considered folding right then and there, and then I thought that it was a pretty tough fold against a guy that was playing more hands than anyone else at the table.  I called $2,900 more and the flop was 10s-5s-4d.  I checked, and he bet $4,500.  Again, I sensed that I was up against exactly A-A, but when I counted down my chips I realized I only had $15,000 left.  Could I really lay this hand down?  Finally, I decided not to fold, and I called my buddy Daniel Negreanu over.  Lord knows why I called Negreanu over, but when he walked over, I told him, “I used to be able to fold this hand when my opponent had pocket aces, but I’m just a little bit off of my top form.”  Then I announced, “I’m all in.”  Player A “Snap called” my all in bet (a bad sign when they call that quickly) and he showed me what I knew on so many levels that he had in his hand: two red aces.


Now, from a mathematical point of view, I absolutely had to go broke on this hand: my opponent was playing tons of hands, I had just mixed it up with him three hands earlier, I didn’t have a ton of chips, and the flop looked really great for my hand.  However, poker isn’t just about math; it is also about reading your opponents.  In fact, in my twenty five years in poker, I have been able to get away from hundreds of strong hands that even other great poker players would have gone broke with.  One time on ESPN while I made a great lay down I famously said, “I can dodge bullets baby!”  These kind of “All star” lay downs are all about reading your opponents well, trusting your instincts, and then making the right move.  Making one or two great lay downs per tournament gives you one or two extra lives.  Making one or two well timed bluffs a day gives you tons of extra chips.

现在,从数学的角度来看,这一手牌我绝对得打到完:我的对手打得很松,玩很多手牌,三手前,我刚刚和他交过手,我没有太多的筹码,翻牌圈对我的QQ是很好的。然而,扑克不只是数学,更是关于阅读对手。事实上,在我25年的职业扑克生涯,我已经作了很多能够弃大牌摆脱这种情况,尽管其玩好的扑克玩家是不能摆脱的。在过去ESPN的播出,有一次我作出了巨大的弃牌然后说出了现在成了名言的:“我可以回避子弹 baby!”这种“全星”(高难度)的弃牌需要对你的对手有很好的了解,相信自己的直觉,然后作出正确的行动。每一场比赛作出一个或两个大的弃牌能给你一个或两个额外的比赛生命。一天能把握好时机作出一个或两个好的蒙牌咋呼能给你额外的筹码。

Putting a positive slant on this situation is important to me.  So I look at it this way: the great news is that I knew that my opponent had pocket aces.  And next time, I can go ahead and make the great lay down!


在伦敦的 “漂浮,”“续叫,”和疯狂

在第一天的4400美元买入(2,650英镑)六人桌最高级伦敦WSOPE(世界扑克锦标赛欧洲系列)赛事上,出现下面一手牌。一些背景材料:我们当日每人以7500筹码开始比赛,那个正坐我左手的欧洲牌手已经加注了我三次,我三次都弃了牌。我左边的欧洲牌手打得非常快和松的牌,此欧洲松牌手是桌上的筹码第一,有30000筹码。我有14000筹码,并且我打的很紧。在盲注100-200,我手持8h-6h开叫450。欧洲松牌手在纽扣位加注到1450,我决定应叫。 翻牌是6c-4c-4d,我过牌,欧洲松牌手叫1200,我加注, 加到2800,欧洲牌手添了1600应叫。 转牌是9c, 我过牌, 欧洲松牌手一秒钟内叫出2500。我应叫,河牌是10h。我过牌,欧洲松牌手叫4500。我仔细研究了很长时间,努力发现对手的牌力(我下面还有更多的分析)。剩余7000筹码:如果我应叫并且输了,那我的状况会很糟。最后,我选择应叫,那个欧洲松牌手于是说,“你的牌够好,应叫得好。”耳中音乐响起!然后他亮了手中的Js-2c,有关这手牌的评述立即出现在互联网上。

让我们来仔细看看这手牌。我在纽扣右边位置(cutoff)以8h-6h叫牌还行,特别是考虑到我们打的是六人手的德州扑克。欧洲松牌手在纽扣位以J-2加注到1450是一个精彩的动作。他察觉到我的牌弱,并且依此行动。我以8h-6h这样的牌加1000来应叫有些野。如果我这里来应叫是因为我感觉到对手的弱,那么我应该直接加注,而不是应叫。 我在翻牌上过牌是标准的打法。我为什么要叫牌而失去一个来自超松超凶的牌手的美国牌手所说的续叫(续叫是指你在翻拍前叫牌,在翻牌上继续叫牌)呢? 我必须让他诈牌,把他的钱诈给我! 欧洲松牌手的1200叫牌是标准的续叫。我喜欢自己的1600加注,因为它定位了我的牌。我在告诉我的对手我有牌,或者我有某种追牌。他在翻拍上的以Js-2c应叫1600是一个非常高级的打法,我们称之为“飘浮”(飘浮是指牌手以很弱的牌应叫一个叫牌或者加注,目的是要在下一轮叫牌时来诈牌)。我在转牌的过牌是标准的,我是说,9c使得同花追牌成牌,我还能赢过什么牌呢?他在转牌的2500叫牌很好。我是说,他在翻牌上添加1600应叫来飘浮我,而现在我过牌了,为了继续他的表演,他差不多是被迫叫牌。不管怎样,我不喜欢他那么快就叫牌事实。如果他有同花顺或者Q-Q\'s,他会那么快叫牌吗?我不这么认为;因此他的快速叫牌是他的牌弱的标志。我在转牌上立即应叫2500也不高级。如果我有同花,超对,或者三条,我会那么快应叫吗?我不这么认为;因此我的迅速应叫显示了弱。但是这里我该给自己的2500应叫叫个好;我是说确实没有多少手牌我可以打败。

在河牌上,我的过牌很正常,而他的4500叫牌是很精彩的打法。他继续他的表演,或许认为我在翻牌上弱,或许他认为我在转牌上更弱。我在河牌的4500应叫对我来说是个艰难的选择。我只剩7000筹码,并且继续应叫而且输掉的后果是严重的。坦诚地讲,我考量欧洲松牌手是否有口袋QQ, 而且我差一点弃牌。但是我鼓起士气,做了一个了不起的应叫!


9月23日我以最好的“扑克脸”走进了WSOPE(世界扑克欧洲系列)16000美元买入的主赛事。事实上,我乘坐红色双层巴士与一个16人的大乐队演奏着, 11人模仿Lady Gaga唱着“扑克脸”来到到莱斯特广场。 这是我有史以来最好的入场式,但我决心在比赛中表现出色,借着30,000的筹码和良好的盲目结构,我乐见自己深玩儿一把的机会。

我去的时候定好了计划:我将采用超紧的战略,同时允许自己在对方加注而且感觉对方牌弱的情况下再加注。我基本上紧守这个战略,在第五级,盲注为200-400,每人还有$50的赌注(Ante)时,出现下面这手牌: 所有的人都弃牌直到小盲,小盲加注到$1200。在大盲位我低头看到Jd-10d,我应叫。翻牌是9c-8d-6s,小盲叫牌$2000,我应叫。转牌来了红心J,小盲叫牌$4000,我应叫。河牌是草花2,小盲叫牌$10000。我只有$16000余下了,所以这对于我来说是个大决定。等了一下后,我应叫,小盲出示8-8,三条8拿下这一锅。

让我们再来看一下这手牌。小盲牌手做了一个好的开叫$1200。我的翻牌前的应叫是很标准的。在翻牌上,当小盲牌手叫牌$2000时,他做的又很好。在这里,我本可以加注的。我是说,我有“最好的追牌”并且两张牌都比翻牌大。当然,如果我加注,我的对手会再加注,那我就会发现自己以一手追牌全进了(all in),(即使来了JJ我也会输掉)。但问题是:我是不是应该在翻牌上加注?对我来说,这是个依赖读牌而来决定的行动。如果我觉得对手弱,那么加注是有意义的;并且如果我是正确的那么我很可能就会让对手弃牌并且赢下这一锅。如果我觉得对手的牌力中等,那么加注是好的行动。我是说,我的对手会以一手中等牌力的牌应叫全进吗?不可能。那么最糟的情况是我的对手跟注了我在翻牌上的加注,那么在转牌上他几乎肯定会过牌的,那么我可以在他后面过牌得到一张免费牌。而且,在翻牌上加注会使中等牌力的牌弃牌,或者是使得我在转牌上诈牌而赢下这一锅成为一种可能性。

如果我觉得我的对手强,那么应叫是有道理的。我确实觉得他牌强,所以我仅仅是应叫了(做得好 Pill Hellmuth!)。在转牌上,我喜欢对手的4000叫牌,我的应叫是挺标准的。当他在J之后还叫牌,我觉得他看起来很强,那么说应叫也还好。在河牌上,我的对手做了一个很好的$10000叫牌到这个$14500的锅里。我的对手不管怎么说还是展现了传统的泄底 -- 用了两个5000的筹码(和用5个1000的筹码,和一个5000的筹码正相反),这表示他很强(我应该听从这个信息的)。人们总是用大的筹码,当他们要赢时!另外一个事实也提示要弃牌:我的对手在四条街上都叫牌了,除非他打四条街的诈牌,他比我的牌强。如今人们已经很少在三条街上诈牌了,更不要说在四条街上诈牌了,因此他的牌一定很强。尽管我一路上都读到了他的牌力,我应叫了,唉!糟糕的应叫 Phil Hellmuth:乘兴而来,败兴而归!


当下面这手牌出现时,我坐拥34000左右筹码 -- 我们以30000筹码开始比赛 -- 盲注是150-300。首先我拿到A-A,赢了个小锅,但是我让大家看了我的牌来加强我桌上的紧牌手形象。紧接着下一手我拿到J-J, 赢了个不错的锅。当我低头看到拿到Ad-7c时,我的筹码已涨到40000,我800开叫。我后面的一个孩子跟叫800,大盲也跟。翻牌是Qs-7d-5d,我叫牌2000,小孩儿跟,第三个牌手弃牌。转牌是红桃9,我研究了很是一段时间,最后叫出4000。小孩儿研究了一下,跟牌。河牌是Ac,我叫出10000,小孩应叫。我宣布:“对A”,但是小孩儿理解在桌上亮出5-5,他用三个5挖走了这个锅。

让我们来仔细看看这手牌:基本上,我讨厌自己以Ad-7c开叫。我记得自己的确想过:“好啊,你的牌运还不错,那让我们偏离那个超紧的计划,把牌加注。” 的确,这是一个不坏的想法,因为一般来说当一个人总是赢的话,那么他的对手们就会比较怕他。我喜欢那个小孩子以5-5这样的牌来应叫800。在翻拍上,我喜欢自己2000的叫牌。我必须叫牌因为我的牌很有可能是最好的。我更喜欢这孩子手拿三条应叫。有人会说这孩子应该加注来保护他的牌(牌面上有同花和顺子听牌),或者把锅做大些。但是更经常的是我发现当我有暗三时,我的对手局面糟糕,当对手局面糟糕时为什么要把他加注出去呢?并且,如果你有暗三,如果你的对手在诈唬,那么为什么要加注而使对手失去机会继续诈唬输掉他的筹码呢?


在WPT(世界扑克巡回赛)十二月份于Bellagio进行的一万美元买入的“Doyle Brunson五钻世界扑克经典赛”上,我第二天到达,准备施展身手。 我坐在一个有几个好牌手的桌子上,包括:Eric Baldwin, Sorel Mizzi, 还有Shawn Buchanon。上桌后我做的第一件事是提醒Mizzi几个月前在The Bicycle Club举行的WPT(世界扑克巡回赛)赛事上和我打时他把自己的牌打过了。但是Mizzi声称,他根本不在我的桌子上。于是我说:“我打赌你在。”那样简单的话,以我赌给Mizzi5,000美元投注Mizzi在那里,他8,000美元投注给我他不在那里。然后,我们叫了一个我知道那一天在桌上的人 -- Barry Greenstein。。。我输了!不知怎么我把Mizzi和Shane "Shaniac" Schleger搞混了!  Mizzi进一步掠夺(够公平)-- 把我付给他的白色5,000美元“Aria Hotel and Casino”筹码用作他的护牌符! 这是不是对将要发生的事的征兆?

几个小时后,当大小盲为800/1600时,Mizzi在枪口下以3500开叫。根据记录,Mizzi玩很多手牌,并且打的很凶(对他来说是正常的)。 我在第四位手拿5-5,3500应叫,大忙2400 All In,这样我们有了主锅9000,边锅2200。翻牌是As-Qh-5d,Mizzi叫牌5800, 我应叫。转牌是K,Mizzi过牌,我叫牌7500(从我的22000筹码中)左右,Mizzi应叫。河牌是10 (A-Q-5-K-10),Mizzi叫牌10000,我应叫。Mizzi翻出K-J以大顺子赢了这锅,我亮出自己的5-5。当我的牌亮出落在桌上时,周围寂静到你可以听到一根针落在地上的声音。桌上的人都不动了,因为那是扑克坏小子(the Poker Brat)要离开的时间了!桌上的每个人都看过这样的情景,并且你--读者--也看过:在ESPN上! 只是这一次,我付出筹码,什么也没说。两手牌后,我以手中Qs-Js,和最后的5400筹码All In,Baldwin以手中As-Ks应叫,比赛结束了。

让我们仔细来看看这手牌。Mizzi在枪口下以K-J开叫3500没什么问题,特别是对他的松凶打法而言。但是,我不会教一个初学者在枪口下用K-J加注叫牌。我在翻牌前手拿5-5的3500应叫也还可以。但是,我大概不会应叫一个5000的开叫。我很喜欢Mizzi在翻牌上的5800叫牌。事实上我们有第三个牌手在锅中,小一点的边锅使得Mizzi的叫牌显得更强一些。一般来说,在一个小的边锅中下注,说明下注者手中有货。我是说,为什么一个牌手没什么牌还要叫牌来保护一个已经All In的牌手? 我也很喜欢自己的5800的平跟! 我设想Mizzi是挺死牌了,或者是需要两张牌的挺牌(Runner-Runner),我给Mizzi一个机会在转牌上用A-J,A-10,K-Q叫牌,或者就是在转牌上做个平凡老旧的诈唬。

在转牌上,Mizzi的过牌没有问题,我喜欢自己的7500叫牌。我设想应该只有10或者J可以让Mizzi成牌,并且如果Mizzi如果已经有了两对,他应该已立时All In了。我在一个23000的锅中叫牌7500, 希望得到一手弱牌的跟注。当然,有些牌手会说我应该叫的多于7500来保护我的牌。不管怎样,我在一件事上是正确的:Mizzi只有四张赢牌,那么说他就是10-1的落后(我有44张赢牌--他有4张赢牌)。

7500能让Mizzi弃牌吗?我猜Mizzi假设他可以再来一张K,一张J,或者一张10来赢这个锅,其实K,J都不会让他赢。而且或许他手中的牌就是最好的牌,对吧?我想我不能责怪Mizzi的7500跟注。不管怎样,我的确以弱牌的方式在打这手牌,并且我诱惑他入锅来。Mizzi在河牌上的 10000叫牌是完美的!如果他叫注我所有的筹码(15000左右),我会严肃地考虑弃牌。我会因为Mizzi在河牌的10000叫牌而弃牌吗?我不这么认为。我是说,Mizzi有可能只是有了两对,比如说对A,对10。 这就是一个Badbeat,直白而简单,至少我在失败中把自己把握的还不错!

12月初的一个周日,我的朋友Jon Ferraro在Potawatomi Bingo赌场玩$3-$5盲注的无上限Hold'em。最小买入200快,最大买入600块,Ferraro600块入局。7个小时后,Ferraro整理了面前2200块的筹码,准备换钱走人。

Ferraro说,“这个时候,荷官问道‘先生,您还要在按钮位玩一手么?’我点头答应了,随后他给了我一对Q。这时我想,‘我玩了7个小时的好牌(我这么认为)才赢了1600,现在却要一把全输了,因为我总是无法弃掉QQ!不过我喜欢赌,所以无所谓!’我这3号位,6号位下注25,被8号位跟注,而1号位加注到130。通常这种情况下我会加注,不过这家伙一直玩的很紧,并且只用A-A A-K或KK再加注,所以我选择平跟,6号位和8号位也跟了。翻牌黑桃Q/方块J/梅花7,太棒了!6号位过牌,8号位过牌,1号位下注200。现在我确认他就是A-A或者K-K,所以我选择平跟,因为他并没有太多的出路而且会继续发力。6号位现在只有240块了,所以他全入;8号位也把最后的180块押了进来。1号位和我都跟进了多的40块。这个时候,6号位叫一个chip runner过来。”

Ferraro继续讲他的故事,“6号位和8号位全入了。同时1号位还有1700块。转牌是梅花8(牌面:黑桃Q/方块J/梅花7/梅花8),现在彩池已经有1400了。我听见6号位在叫chip runner,我讨厌这样,不过并不十分在意,他也许抓到一个小点的三条,或有一个同花听牌。这时1号位下注300,我又一次跟了。我选择只是跟注,是因为赢大钱的唯一办法是吃掉他所有的筹码。河牌是一个J,1号位又下注400块(他还剩1000块)。这时我立即把自己所有的筹码推了出去,其实无论河牌是什么我都会这样干。1号位想了2、3秒钟,亮出黑桃10和黑桃9,跟了。我说‘葫芦’并亮出了对Q。6号位大叫一声亮出了草花10和红桃9,8号位盖牌。现在我赢下了这个5000块的彩池,需要多拿7个盒子才装的下!今天运气不错!有趣的是翻牌前我以为自己落后而实际上领先,而在转牌时我以为自己领先而实际上自己是落后的!”


我对Shawn “Buch” Buchanan的牌技非常尊重。Buck(发音巴克)是一个世界级的无限德州扑克比赛选手。我们相遇过很多次,包括2010 WPT 冠军赛的终桌。巴克做得特别好的一点是他的超级凶猛,他的确玩得很紧,但也很凶。他常常有胆量做大的咋呼。

前几天,WPT Doyle Brunson Five Diamond World Poker Classic 的比赛中,巴克在我的桌子上打了这样一手牌:当时盲注是800/1600,底注300,巴克拿着KJ在中位加注到4000,小盲跟注,打盲还剩1200,也跟了。主锅有6000,边锅5800。翻牌7d5d5s,小盲观牌,巴克下注8000,小盲跟。转牌是又一张5,小盲观牌,巴克下注15000,对手盖牌。因为还剩一个allin的对手,巴克亮出他的KJ,对手亮出自己的J3o。河牌是一张3,大盲赢下主锅。



在上一专栏中,我写了每年回威斯康星都要玩的“假日扑克游戏”中的一手牌。这个专栏里,我打算写写在我们18个小时马拉松式的扑克游戏中发生的另一手牌。牌局是$5000买入的无限注德州扑克,$5-$10的盲注,每个牌手必须先买入至少$2000筹码才能进入牌局;另外三个$1000的筹码可以先放入口袋中备用。因为所有的牌手都必须至少买入$2000筹码,并且盲注是$5-$10, 每个牌手至少有两百个大盲,就是说,我的读者,这是一个“深筹码”扑克游戏!

大约牌局开始十二个小时后,一手牌有$20的Straddle(指UTG位置的牌手发牌前把盲注加至大盲的两倍,发牌后UTG+1 位置的牌手第一个在翻牌前行动 -- 弃牌,跟注,加注,等等,然后依次UTG+2。。翻牌前最后一个行动的是UTG,如果愿意的话,他可以再重新加注。翻拍后一切秩序恢复正常,SB,BB,UTG,UTG+1...Button), Jon Ferraro手拿Qc-10c跟$20入锅,另有包括小盲Jon Green在内的三个人跟。 转牌为Qh-10s-6d,Green过牌,另一个牌手也过牌,Ferraro叫牌 $120。 所有的其他人都盖牌,最后Green和大盲应叫。转牌是张8;Ferraro叫牌$450, Green跟,大盲跟。河牌是张3, 两个牌手都过牌, Ferraro叫牌$500。 Green刚才过牌,现在加注到$2200, 大盲盖牌,Farraro开始在椅子上扭来扭去。 30秒后,Ferraro对Green说:“J-9,呵? 你一定有J-9!” Green什么都没说,仍旧一动不动地坐在椅子里。 又过了60秒,Green亮出两张底牌中的一张Jack,Ferraro在椅子中扭动的更凶了。Ferraro亮出 Q-10 -- 两张高对 -- 又过30秒后,他对Green说:“把锅里的钱给回我$1000,我就丢牌。” 象只受惊的兔子冲出来那般迅速,Green说,“搞定!” 于是他一边迅速地把大锅揽过来,一边翻牌亮出他的K-J(诈牌),并且扔给了Ferraro两个$500的筹码。Ferraro捡回他的两个$500的筹码,叹道:“我应该知道你在诈牌!否则的话,你干嘛给我看Jack?”

让我们再仔细来看这手牌。首先讲一点儿背景:在过去的六个小时中,Green打的非常紧,无论如何,在河牌上发射巨诈不是Green的风格。就我而言,也认为Green手中有J-9, 我有些期望他在转牌上,在Ferraro叫牌$450之后加注。当然,回头看,Green如果有坚果,几乎总是在转牌上加注来保护自己的牌的。那么,因为Green没有加注,说明他那时没有J-9。

另外一种可能性是Green有暗三。如果Green有暗三,那么或许他在转牌上不会加注,因为三个牌手都还有至少$6000筹码,当其他人有顺子,你是1:3.5的落后(10:34的赢率),为什么拿$6000在一个$450的锅里搅呢? 沿着这条思路走,在河牌上,当Ferraro仅叫牌$500, 那么Green在这个时候可能用暗三来加注。

我喜欢Green仅示出一张牌(Jack)来,因为之前他曾经拿好牌做过同样的事来迷惑对手。如果Ferraro已经下决心盖牌了,我喜欢他的拿回$1000换取盖牌的建议!太聪明了! 我不算喜欢Green接受Ferraro的建议这回事,尽管这么做他得了一些利。 在我看来Ferraro打算在一分钟内把牌盖掉。但是公平地讲,Ferraro之后的确手拿弱牌应叫了几个大的叫牌,或许Green的确做了正确的事。
天黑之后扑克:Galfond 迎战 Durrrr

这手牌出自2011版NBC的“天黑之后扑克”。六人座的比赛,排列了一些最好的牌手,包括传统派(Huck Seed, John Juanda, Phil Ivey, Erick\"Edog\" Lindgren)和新派(Tom \"Durrrr\" Dwan, Phil Galfond), 比赛形式为$100,000买入的单桌比赛(Sit-and-go); 决出一个赢者(Winner-take-all)。 你可以在youtube看到这手精彩牌局:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVLwShjnNk0 。这是我第一次在我的专栏中引用链接,在我看来这是向现代世界打招呼!

桌上共有 $600,000 筹码,Durrrr积攒了$248,000, Phil Ivey有 $134,000 筹码第二, Galfond有$121,000,最后是Huck Seed坐拥$97,000 筹码。 大小盲为 $1,500-$3,000,Durrrr 在枪口位手拿Ad-5d叫牌$7000, Ivey在纽扣位弃牌,Galfond低头一看,A-K,于是在小盲位加注到$19000,Huck Seed在大盲位拿到A-Q。此刻许多观众一定为Seed担心,但是Seed还是读牌准确,面对年轻凶手他弃了自己的A-Q。Durrrr又投入$12500应叫,翻牌为9h-3s-2s。

这时锅里有$42000,Galfond叫牌$17000,Durrrr决定全进(ALLIN)! Galfond只剩$84,500 筹码,他决定应叫。这时锅里有$246,000,Durrrr需要一个4或者5才能赢。转牌是7,河牌是10, 结果是Galfond赢了,筹码领先。


翻牌上,我喜欢Galfond的$17,000叫牌,这时锅里有$42,000。做一个40%锅的大小的续叫(C-bet)(如果你是翻牌前最后一个加注的,无论翻牌怎样,翻牌后继续叫牌)是合理的。 Durrrr的全进(ALLIN)举动是非常强的动作,假设Durrrr认为Galfond没有超对,那么Galfond可能会弃掉A-K,A-Q,或者A-J,也许Galfond的牌是K-Q这样类似的。

Galfond以A-K高牌,$84,500筹码来应叫非常精彩!当时大小盲为 $1,500 - $3,000 ,他还有$84,500筹码剩下,Galfond可以很轻易地弃牌,那么他还有28个大盲剩下:有足够多的子弹来恢复生机。 如果Durrrr的牌是4-4,或者9d-8d,那么Galfond的A-K高牌就很糟糕了(明显的要弃牌)。 所以Galfond的应叫就由他是否认为他的A-K高牌为当时最好的牌来决定了。Galfond认为是的,并且他是正确的! 有一个原因让Galfond的应叫稍微容易了些,那就是牌面上有很多听牌的可能性(在这样的翻牌上,顺子听牌和同花听牌都有可能),并且对于听牌来说,他是占优势的。
阿丽雅酒店(Aria Hotel)中“老虎机牌”

一月中旬我来到阿丽雅酒店的豪华“Phil Ivey扑克室”(高限注扑克室)打$150/$300级别的混合游戏。在我赢下一个不错的限注Hold’em底池,其实回想起来,那个底池的份量也没有想象得那么重。先说说游戏的大致情况吧:四人游戏,老几位打得都挺凶,动不动就反加对方。比如就在打到我要说的那手牌之前,我在大盲上拿着88,Christer Johansson 在UTG上加注,庄家上的玩家反加,于是我4BET,结果Johansson 5BET封顶。根据我的经验,我还没遇到过很多在限注Hold’em游戏中,在翻牌前被5BET的底池。



Johansson拿着成手的葫芦平跟的打法倒是值得商榷。当一个职业玩家使用平跟打法时,有很大机会他的一个对手是有活听牌的,即然如此为什么不对我们之一或者对我们两个人反加?我的意思是,通过把我们的另一个对手套进底池,Johansson的斩获可能更大,比如另一个对手拿着KJ,这时第四条街来了一张J,或者来一张方块让另一个对手成了同花听牌。如果我是高对的话,跟注会让他错过我可能做的一些下注。对Johansson来说,一个比较理想的情况是,如果我真的是一副高对,他在翻牌圈加注,我3BET,他平跟并在第四条街反加我:这样的话,他就能多收$1350(翻牌圈$450 +转牌$600 +河牌$300)。而且如果我们的另一个对手拿的是听牌或一副高对,那么通过在翻牌圈加注,Johansson可以赢到更多。按照Johansson的打法,他只能赢到$1200:其中从我这里赢到$1050(翻牌圈$150 +转牌$600 +河牌$300),再加上从另一个对手身上赢到的$150。所以Johansson放弃$150的利润,以便给另一个对手一次击中一张高牌(或捡到一张听牌)的机会,但是却错失了更多钱。总得来说,这是一个很接近的决定,但写完这篇文章后,我又觉得Johansson的平跟是最佳打法了!
Stu Ungar在1997年世界扑克锦标赛(WSOP)上的最后一手牌

想起1997年的WSOP(世界扑克锦标赛)的主赛事的第二天,记得那天我坐在一张大家筹码都很深的桌上。桌上有世界冠军Doyle Brunson(德州Doyle),Bobby Baldwin, Stu Ungar, 还有我。我记得Unagr和我在赛事上一直都是领先筹码(chip leader),而且我们一整天都在互斗!不幸的是,我第二天就出局了--就是赛事的第三天--但时还有27名牌手留下,但是Ungar继续下去,最终和John Strzemp决战冠军头衔和一百万美元的奖金。

终桌比赛是在室外进行的,位于“Horseshoe Casino”和“Golden Nugget Casino\"之间,ESPN的相机架设周围,录下比赛。拉斯维加斯总是风大,我记得这给荷官带来麻烦。这是我所细讲的那手牌的录像: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PjuBWtn3MI  当时大小盲为$10,000 - $20,000,还有每人 $2,000的加码(ante),Ungar(有两百多万筹码)以A-4在纽扣位$60,000 开叫,Strezemp手拿A-8跟注。翻牌是A-5-3,Strezemp(筹码少于一百万)叫牌$120,000 到当时已有$124,000 的锅里,Ungar细想了很久(关于这个下面还有更多讨论),最终,他决定全进(ALL IN)! Strzemp用剩下的筹码应叫,这样Ungar就需要开一个4或者2来赢得他的第三个世界冠军。转牌是5,这就意味着Ungar需要一张2,也只有2才能赢的1997 Wsop。河牌是2,Ungar成了三次世界扑克锦标赛冠军!

让我们来仔细看看这手牌。Ungar在翻牌前的$40,000加注是一个和锅内筹码一样的翻牌前加注,代表了当时的标准。新派的标准加注不同,今天的标准应该是$25,000。Strzemp的$40,000翻牌前跟注耐人寻味。在1997年,这样的两个人对打的情况下,用A-8再加注才是标准的打法。如果Strzemp认为自己的牌更好,他应该再加注才对!新派的标准在这种情况下也是再加注。基本上,我会教育自己的学生在这种情况下如果认为自己的牌更好就应该再加注,或者不是很确定自己的牌是否更好也要加注(除非他们有很强的读牌,自己的牌不是最好的,不能加注)。因为就二人对决来说,A-8是很强的牌!如果是我,我会依照对手的强弱(他打的足够好吗?他是否犯过错误?)来选用其中一种打法。如果我认为自己比对手强并且不确定他的$40,000加注是强还是弱,我会仅仅跟牌。如果我认为对手的牌弱,那么我会推了(All In)。

Strzemp在翻牌上的$120,000叫牌不好。既然Strzemp在翻牌上打算把这把牌打到底,还叫什么牌呢?为什么不先过牌再加注(check-raise), 给Ungar一个机会来诈唬输掉一些筹码呢?如果你一定要叫牌,为什么不少叫些让自己看上去弱一些呢?在Strzemp叫牌之后,Ungar仔细思考了一分钟,他看起来象是在研究自己的两张牌。 几年之后,我已在磁带上观看了这手牌,我告诉Ungar,"我知道你在翻牌前只看到Ace,而且知道自己还有张"两个花"(Two across),在翻牌来了之后,你知道自己或者有两个高对,或者有对A和顺子听牌。" Ungar表现的非常惊奇,问到:"你怎么知道的?"("两个花"或者"两个点儿"是指,当你从牌的侧面翻看牌时,你能看到两个点儿。那么两个花就是4或者5,三个花就是6,7或者8,四个花就是9或者10。) 无限Lowball牌手总是慢慢捻着看牌,从一侧看他们的牌有几点,比方说,假如他们有一个对子的化能打平,不是对子的化就是拿到很强的Lowball牌(5给了他们一个对子,4使他们凑成坚果),那么他们可能会下大注; 这种情况下,就连他们自己都不知道自己拿的是超级好牌还是啥也没有! 结果当然是,当你自己都不知道自己是强还是弱的时候,别人就更难读你了。

世界扑克巡回赛 牌局分析:AT对TT

世界扑克巡回赛于一月底转战到洛杉矶的科默斯赌场(Commerce Casino),称为“洛杉矶扑克经典大赛”(Los Angeles Poker Classic),2月25日举行WPT一万美元买入的顶级月度赛事。我一直在努力加强自己的扑克游戏,参加WPT大赛时,我就做好了打持久战的准备。我的战术很简单:耐心地游戏,等牌积累筹码。我不为弃掉98o、AJs或A2s闹心。只打形势很好的强牌,第一天打得顺风顺水,无惊无险。第二天也很顺,几乎没出现冒险的情况。这时我就知道自己的新战术(“传统菲尔”战术)有可能无往不胜。



我可以跟注,在击中任何翻牌后再全押。我也可以全押,当然我知道B玩家会拿任何两张跟注,因为有3.5比1的成败比(76,000 : 22,000)。如果B玩家拿的是99、88、小对、98o或类似的牌,那么如果能在翻牌前把我的所有筹码都套进底池,又何乐而不为呢?如果他是AJ,那么看下翻牌圈再全押也不迟吧(除非我翻中三张)?我觉得这是一次很边缘的决定,但是事实是这个玩家很激进,可能拿着任何让我值得全押的牌。

阿丽雅酒店(Aria Hotel)中“老虎机牌”

一月中旬我来到阿丽雅酒店的豪华“Phil Ivey扑克室”(高限注扑克室)打$150/$300级别的混合游戏。在我赢下一个不错的限注Hold’em底池,其实回想起来,那个底池的份量也没有想象得那么重。先说说游戏的大致情况吧:四人游戏,老几位打得都挺凶,动不动就反加对方。比如就在打到我要说的那手牌之前,我在大盲上拿着88,Christer Johansson 在UTG上加注,庄家上的玩家反加,于是我4BET,结果Johansson 5BET封顶。根据我的经验,我还没遇到过很多在限注Hold’em游戏中,在翻牌前被5BET的底池。



Johansson拿着成手的葫芦平跟的打法倒是值得商榷。当一个职业玩家使用平跟打法时,有很大机会他的一个对手是有活听牌的,即然如此为什么不对我们之一或者对我们两个人反加?我的意思是,通过把我们的另一个对手套进底池,Johansson的斩获可能更大,比如另一个对手拿着KJ,这时第四条街来了一张J,或者来一张方块让另一个对手成了同花听牌。如果我是高对的话,跟注会让他错过我可能做的一些下注。对Johansson来说,一个比较理想的情况是,如果我真的是一副高对,他在翻牌圈加注,我3BET,他平跟并在第四条街反加我:这样的话,他就能多收$1350(翻牌圈$450 +转牌$600 +河牌$300)。而且如果我们的另一个对手拿的是听牌或一副高对,那么通过在翻牌圈加注,Johansson可以赢到更多。按照Johansson的打法,他只能赢到$1200:其中从我这里赢到$1050(翻牌圈$150 +转牌$600 +河牌$300),再加上从另一个对手身上赢到的$150。所以Johansson放弃$150的利润,以便给另一个对手一次击中一张高牌(或捡到一张听牌)的机会,但是却错失了更多钱。总得来说,这是一个很接近的决定,但写完这篇文章后,我又觉得Johansson的平跟是最佳打法了!

扑克巡回赛于一月末转战到洛杉矶的科默斯赌场(Commerce Casino)展开“洛杉矶扑克经典大赛(Los Angeles Poker Classic)”,2月25日激战月度扑克大赛展开一万美元买入的WPT顶级赛事。我在上次专栏中谈到了让我在第三天出局的那手牌(我的TT对AT)。这次专档我想谈谈赛事第一天赢的一手牌。随便提一句,我在第一天的战术是很简单的:我要很耐心地游戏,等牌积累筹码。我不担心弃掉98同花、AJ不同花或A2同花。只打形势很好的强牌。没错,朋友们,经过大量研究,我又回归到超紧的 “老派菲尔”战术上来。





世界扑克巡回赛(World Poker Tour) 在三月中旬轮转到湾区。去年我上了湾区101赛事的终桌,只是最后我拿了第六,没有实现我的终极目标 -- 把整个拉达(enchilada,一种南美食品,这里指冠军)拿下。 最后河牌出了一张A,我的QQ输给了对手的A-J;尽管随后我努力和每个人握手,面带微笑,当走下舞台后,我瘫做一团。五天的精彩扑克比赛立即上了银屏!至少,我的瘫倒让电视节目很好看......

湾区101世界扑克巡回赛(Bay 101 WPT event)有个特别的地方,扑克明星头上有人票奖。比赛的买入是$10,000, 如果你让一个"明星"出局,你可得到$5,000的人票奖。理所当然的,人票改变了人们的打牌方式。在第二天我满头冒汗地以$20,000筹码开始比赛(比赛以$30,000筹码开始)。盲注为$600 - $1,200,我在纽扣位拿Kh-Jh跟注$2,600,大小盲都应叫(眼里盯着潜在人票奖金,这个应叫毫无疑问)。翻牌为10h-8s-7h, 三个牌手都过牌到我。手拿顺子听,同花听,外加两张大牌,我应该把我最后剩余的$13,800都推进去,但是我有一种不祥的感觉 -- 有人可能有超强的牌,于是我只是过牌。转牌是Qh,两个盲注都过牌,原先加注的人叫牌$5,000, 我决定拿着我的K高同花平顺应叫,心里想大概每个人都是死听了。让我大失所望的是,两个盲注都盖牌了。河牌是5C,我的对手叫注我最后的$8,800, 我立即应叫!他亮出三条8,[Phil, 在翻牌上的过牌真榜!] 我赢了个好锅。下一手牌我又拿到A-J,加注了对手的牌又拿下一锅。

一圈儿之后我一瞟牌是A-K, 开叫$2700。Vivek Rajkumar, 坐我正下手,加注到$7200。其他人全都盖牌,我再加$37,700(总共$44,900)全推。几秒后,我等着应叫,因为我以为Rajkumar如果手里有中对时应该会很快应叫。Rajkumar开玩笑道:"我需要个计算器来算算\'人票赏金数学\'"。终于,Rajkumar应叫了,并且翻转过手中A-10。爽!我有2.5比1的比率赢得$93,000!  板上亮出10-5-2-4, Rajkumar-- 一个不错的小伙儿-- 居然能够喊出:"别害我!不要来K!"[别害你?真的吗?] 河牌是4,我就这样完了。

让我们仔细来看看这手牌:我喜欢自己的$2700开叫,尽管通常来讲我以大盲的三倍开叫(3 x $1,200 = $3,600)。Rajkumar的加注还可以,至少算是凶。我非常喜欢自己的全推!我是在说:"现在就给我这个$18,000的锅!" 我不喜欢Rajkumar的应叫。如果考虑到Rajkumar是在用他的80%的筹码在应叫,我讨厌这个应叫!再加
$37,700?当你在锅里只投入$7,200,而你的对手是个很紧的牌手,有90%机会牌比你强的时候?倒胃口!是的,我是个人票!Huck Seed和我讨论了这手牌,Seed感觉Rajkumar的应叫是个"坏的应叫,不过也没差太多。" "大嘴"Mike Matusow 说:"我讨厌这个应叫。他在打$10,000买入的比赛的第二天,在那种情况下把80%的筹码放到锅里去?!?"
Wynn This!


盲注是$2500/$5000美元时,Dutch Boyd在前面位置连续第三手牌公开加注,他加注到$12000美元。我在中间位置上,看着手里的KK,有种不祥的预感。我做了跟注后,大盲上的玩家也做了跟注。翻牌圈5d-3d-2s,两人过牌,我也过牌。转牌是一张7s,这时大盲上的玩家下注$19000,Dutch跟,我也跟。河牌Jc,大盲上的玩家下注$33000,Dutch和我都跟注,结果大盲的玩家翻出JJ,河牌成三条赢下底池。Dutch亮出的是QQ,我亮出KK时心里真不是滋味。这手牌是我不走运吗?是的,但是…

在理想的情况下,特别是当我偶尔拿诈唬牌再加注,然后做弱的3BET时,我会拿KK在70%的情况下再加注。如果我从来不3BET对手,那么一次3BET会显得太强,这时我会觉得这个拿着KK在30%情况的平跟的打法更合适。我的意思是为什么要透露你的牌很强呢? 事实上Dutch连续三次公开加注说明了他的一些弱点,因此也可以说这时拿KK平跟是合适的。我很喜欢大盲上的玩家拿着对J平跟,原因在于,首先,他没有位置;其次,要是他看出我和Dutch中有一个或两个人的牌都很强,那么他的平跟好到无话可说。但是公平地说,他要是读出我们俩牌力都是偏弱,那么我觉得他应该3BET JJ,争取立马拿下底池。 我喜欢大盲在翻牌圈的过牌,Dutch的过牌我认为也可以,他企图对我们设陷阱,同时保持一个小底池,以防我和大盲有人拿着Ad-Jd,当然拿QQ在翻牌圈下注也是不错的。因为现如今,所有人都期望一次持续下注,也就是第一个加注玩家在翻牌圈下注,所以在这下注也是标准的,一般不会透露你是拿着QQ这样的强牌。所以为什么不拿很强的对Q在翻牌圈持续下注呢?但我不喜欢我在翻牌圈的过牌,虽然如果对手拿着Ad-Jd,三张或AA的话,这个过牌让我维持了一个小底池也避免了出局的惨况,但我还是不喜欢。因为有时需要我们打得保守,有时则需要我们死磕。KK面对5d-3d-2s的翻牌圈时就应该是勇住直前的,我应该做60%的底池或更大的下注。大盲在转牌上下注$19000是可以的,Dutch的平跟看着也没问题,尽管我更希望看到Dutch加注到$75000。我也不喜欢自己在这儿的平跟,我在这儿平跟主要是为了避免出局,平跟之后,我还剩下$120000。我认为更好的打法是,下注到$80000左右或者直接全押。我很喜欢大盲玩家在河牌上的$33000的下注,他的这个下注额保证了我和Dutch都能玩下去。假设他的下注额更大,那么我和Dutch可能会有一个弃牌或两人都弃牌。

West Coast Bust Out

三天韦恩扑克经典冠军赛显然不过瘾,我想打更多扑克赛事。我在韦恩赌场稳稳当当地打了三天牌,结果只以19名出局,22名有钱分;虽然我不满意名次,但好歹进了钱圈。于是当WSOP和ESPN邀请我于第二天飞去圣迭歌的Harrahs-Rincon赌场采访小Dale Earnhardt时,我看了一下WSOP赛程安程,原来主赛事周日拉开战幕,希望我能正好赶上!

比赛进入第二天,我坐在Tim West的左边。Tim West在业内很有人缘,他刚刚在星期四拿下了韦恩经典赛事冠军,而且我很尊敬他在无限德州扑克锦标赛上的打法。打了20分钟后,West在前面位置上加注,我拿83o反加,这手牌之前,West已经加注了很多手牌,感觉到他很弱,我判断正确,West弃了牌。大约30分钟后,West又在前面位置加注而我拿着的是AK。这时的盲注是$300/$600,底注$50,West公开加注到$1600。这时我还没有阅读,于是我反加到$4500,跟着West全押$130000,而我剩下$19000。我看着West,感觉到一股很强劲的力道从他身上散发出来。于是我问自己“Tim是AA吗?”。我感觉他不是AA,那么现在该怎么打?拿AK跟注36BB确实让人为难,但我感觉AK的牌力是够的。West要是拿着KK,那么我的形势会很危险,但是如果West拿的是QQ/JJ/AK,那么跟注还是有保障的。在赛事开始之前,我曾和West聊了好多次电话,我感觉他这手牌打的还是很直接的,也就是说他的牌超级强,我应该弃牌。但我反复地琢磨到底是跟注还是弃牌,最后我认为“West应该没有AA,我要把筹码全部放进底池”。于是我跟注,West亮出KK。桌面是K-10-7-10-J,BYE BYE菲尔!!!

事后West评论这手牌时说:“我觉得最好的打法是ALLIN或平跟你的$2900反加,我不想做任何其他额度的反加,因为我觉得你会弃牌。”对我来说,好的一面是,我猜到West有很大机会是拿KK。下次我再飞去参加扑克比赛时,我必须完全信懒我的直觉。恭喜Tim West取得亚军;韦恩赌场的冠军加上圣迭哥的亚冠,多么让人嫉妒的一周!!!


数月前,我在Bay 101围观了Mike Matusow(业界人称“大嘴”)冲击WPT冠军的决赛桌赛事。那天晚上,桌上只剩下最后四个玩家,当时的盲注是$15000/$30000,底注是$5000。$180万的Matusow拿着AcTd在UTG上公开加注$70000。坐拥$370万的Alan Sternberg拿着44在庄家上跟注。翻牌是Ks9h9c,Matusow下注$85000,Sternberg跟注。转牌是6c,Matusow过牌,Sternberg下注$125000美元。一分钟后,Matusow反加到$325000,一个$200000的加注,30秒后,Sternberg跟注,河牌3h, Matusow下注$500000,Sternberg秒跟。

我会在这个专栏和WPT网站的录像里仔细分析一下这手牌。但在开始前,有必要说明一下这手牌之前的现场情况。Matusow在几小时的比赛中从没做过一次诈唬,很显然他是牌桌上最紧的玩家。Matusow的$70000的公开加注,虽然比2倍的$60000加注略多一点,但这样的加注额可以说是本年度的标准加注额了。尽管如此,但不代表我喜欢这个加注!我宁愿看到他做一个更大额的加注,比如说加3个大盲,也就是$90000。Sternberg的跟注没有问题。Matusow的$85000的C-BET(持续下注——在翻牌前加注的玩家在翻牌圈上继续下注)在我看来是可以的而且很标准。他在转牌的过牌也可以; AT可能并不是最好的牌,所以何必继续打下去呢?不如只输掉$155000作罢算了。Sternberg的$125000的下注是很有意思的,显然他觉得自己的44是最好的牌,而且他感觉到Matusow很弱,基于这个事实,我很喜欢他的$125000的下注。还有两点也是支持Sternberg的下注的:首先,这个下注阻止了Matusow在河牌上拿着比44更大的对子牌,比如JJ做出一个更大的底池;其次,通过这个下注逼Matusow弃掉AQ这类牌,从而实现对自己的牌的保护。但这个下注也有一个缺点,那就是Sternberg把自己处于很为难的境地,因为Matusow反加的话,Sternberg只有弃牌的份儿,因为他的44只能赢诈唬,而且Matusow可是一直都没怎么诈唬过的。所以说Sternberg的下注给了Matusow动作的机会,要是Matusow真得拿着能赢Sternberg的牌下注,那么Sternberg的损失就会更大。我喜欢Matusow在转牌上的$200000下注,但我觉得下注额更大些,比如$400000左右会更好。

作者: muyir    时间: 2009-10-15 17:01
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: Phil Hellmuth    时间: 2009-10-15 17:01
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Hello China!  My name is Phil Hellmuth jr., and I am a professional  
poker player.  I have written a New York Times best selling book  
("lay Poker like the Pros") on poker strategy and tactics, and I  
write a regular once a week column that is being translated and posted  
here at zhiyoucheng.com.  I know the ins and outs of Texas Hold'em,  
and I will share some serious knowledge with you in this column.  My  
columns are also current, relevant, and fun!

Players like Johnny Chan, David Chiu, and I prove that poker is a game  
of skill.  We keep winning poker tournaments--and money--month after  
month, year after year, decade after decade!  Chan has 10 World  
Championships of poker, second place only to me with 11.  The  
popularity of poker has never been higher.  Chan and I are known  
throughout the world for our poker skills.  Poker is a game of beauty  
and strategy.  Hello to my fans in China!
作者: luckypanda    时间: 2009-10-15 17:08
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Welcome to zhiyoucheng! [s:146]
作者: 29206298    时间: 2009-10-15 17:13
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
wow [s:161]

big big big 大嘴 [s:161]

welcome [s:149]
作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-10-15 17:15
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
早上我还说是哪个粉丝把Phil Hellmuth的ID注册了,难道是真的啊?! [s:158]

作者: linghun    时间: 2009-10-15 17:22
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
[s:158]  [s:158]  [s:158]
作者: 黄老实    时间: 2009-10-15 17:23
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: lady79    时间: 2009-10-15 17:29
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
huanying .yihou zhi neng zhe me da zi le .zhao gu wai guo peng you .wo men yong han yu pin yin  [s:167]
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-10-15 17:33
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
早上我还说是哪个粉丝把Phil Hellmuth的ID注册了,难道是真的啊?! [s:158]

作者: I am a big bir    时间: 2009-10-15 17:36
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
wow, I woke up in the middle of night and saw this new post, I had to make sure I wasnt dreaming. Welcome to Zhiyoucheng!!  I feel lucky I didnt use "Annie Duke" as my ID, because she might come here one day just as you did.
作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-10-15 17:38
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
[quote="mardiego":1aeiq5t3]早上我还说是哪个粉丝把Phil Hellmuth的ID注册了,难道是真的啊?! [s:158]


作者: I am a big bir    时间: 2009-10-15 17:39
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
[quote="mardiego":3diutsxh]早上我还说是哪个粉丝把Phil Hellmuth的ID注册了,难道是真的啊?! [s:158]


这个不是大问题吧, 在城里找几个volunteer定时翻译好了
作者: taoljj    时间: 2009-10-15 17:41
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Welcome to ZYC!

作者: fitree    时间: 2009-10-15 17:42
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
i bought Hellmuth's Book "lay Poker Like the Pros" last month ,but i have not finished yet....
Nice to meet you ,Phil !
作者: 沉默的猪    时间: 2009-10-15 17:46
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Hello China!  My name is Phil Hellmuth jr., and I am a professional  
poker player.  I have written a New York Times best selling book  
("lay Poker like the Pros") on poker strategy and tactics, and I  
write a regular once a week column that is being translated and posted  
here at zhiyoucheng.com.  I know the ins and outs of Texas Hold'em,  
and I will share some serious knowledge with you in this column.  My  
columns are also current, relevant, and fun!

Players like Johnny Chan, David Chiu, and I prove that poker is a game  
of skill.  We keep winning poker tournaments--and money--month after  
month, year after year, decade after decade!  Chan has 10 World  
Championships of poker, second place only to me with 11.  The  
popularity of poker has never been higher.  Chan and I are known  
throughout the world for our poker skills.  Poker is a game of beauty  
and strategy.  Hello to my fans in China!

hey phil, my name is HanMeimei, how do you do?
作者: 德州新人    时间: 2009-10-15 17:51
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
虽然能看懂大部分,但最好还是请那个高手把Phil Hellmuth的话翻译一下把。
作者: David Chiu    时间: 2009-10-15 17:55
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

Thank you for sharing your columns with zhiyoucheng members! In the future if one of our members become the owner of 12 WSOP bracelets, please don't jump over the table,哈哈。。。Anyway, welcome! bud.
作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-10-15 18:02
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
虽然能看懂大部分,但最好还是请那个高手把Phil Hellmuth的话翻译一下把。

据说BeijingMM的中英文俱佳。 [s:152]
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-10-15 18:15
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: shfe    时间: 2009-10-15 18:24
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: 悠闲时光    时间: 2009-10-15 19:31
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: 男少先队员    时间: 2009-10-15 19:41
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
仅次于我的11条  [s:152]
作者: crazychris    时间: 2009-10-15 20:19
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: bigmao    时间: 2009-10-15 22:02
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Phil,我终于等到您了,我跟ENZO和北京MM+大连MM的这档事您可得给我做主啊。。。 [s:185]
作者: 29206298    时间: 2009-10-15 22:17
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

Thank you for sharing your columns with zhiyoucheng members! In the future if one of our members become the owner of 12 WSOP bracelets, please don't jump over the table,哈哈。。。Anyway, welcome! bud.

作者: dispel    时间: 2009-10-15 22:27
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
welcome ~ [s:146]
作者: 田品吕口    时间: 2009-10-15 23:10
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
u gonna have good time here phil,cos im pretty sure that there is not an single person that from east europe on this site......lol~~im just kidding with u,welcome buddy
作者: yacaimei    时间: 2009-10-15 23:15
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
"I can dodge bullets baby!!"
Welcome to Zhiyoucheng~~
作者: thirtystand    时间: 2009-10-15 23:16
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
WOW, this is simply amazing!!!!

Welcome, Phil
作者: 百刀舰长    时间: 2009-10-16 01:58
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
晕,太牛了吧,连Phil Hellmuth都请来了。。。 [s:161]
作者: 独孤求败    时间: 2009-10-16 02:12
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
to 沉默的猪,he is fine,thank you,and you? LOLLLLLLLLL
作者: poop    时间: 2009-10-16 02:21
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
还好,《底牌》没有英文版的,否则我想他会跳到桌子上的 [s:146]
作者: flylan    时间: 2009-10-16 02:32
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
还好,《底牌》没有英文版的,否则我想他会跳到桌子上的 [s:146]

作者: mattsX    时间: 2009-10-16 03:04
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Welcome Phil! I play poker with my computer, WSOP 2008, and I watched all your video on it.
作者: wyw2008    时间: 2009-10-16 04:32
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

ni chi le ma?
作者: jck    时间: 2009-10-16 04:45
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

welcome!  [s:149]
作者: Phil Hellmuth    时间: 2009-10-16 06:25
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
World Series of Poker Europe

In Late September almost every great poker player on the planet descended on the Empire Casino—in Leicester Square--in London to try to win millions of dollars and a WSOPE (World Series of Poker Europe) bracelet.  The poker world pretty much unanimously agreed that each of the four WSOPE bracelets would count as a coveted WSOP bracelet, and almost every great poker player wants bracelets baby!  The main event was a 10,000 pound buy in, or around $16,000, and it paid over $1 million for first.
I pulled my usual shenanigans and rode 10 blocks through the heart of London--from Waterloo to Leicester Square--in a chariot, dressed as Caesar!  It was pretty weird, and way over-the-top, to be riding through the streets with double decker busses whizzing by, thousands of people on the streets snapping photos and wondering what was going on, and paparazzi running alongside…And yes, I did feel a bit stupid, and I felt like it was too much, but I manned up and played Caesar because I think my entrances are fun, good for me, and good for poker.  When I arrived at the Empire I was walked into the tournament by 11 models in white Roman dresses, and that part was a lot of fun!  There are videos and pictures up of my entrance at all of the poker sites.
Upon my arrival I turned my mind from playing Caesar to playing great poker, or I should say that I tried to turn my mind towards playing great poker.  You see, I just haven’t been playing my best poker, primarily because I have been trying different tactics over the last year or two.  I have migrated away from tight patient tactics, and gone towards looser more aggressive tactics with mixed results.  I still managed to make six cashes at the WSOP this year, but I made zero final tables for the first time in like ten years, ouch!  The problem with calling raises and reraises with the 8c-7c is that you put yourself in a tough position most of the time, and playing these types of hands puts you in a spot where you have to make more decisions.  Do you call a big bet when it comes down J-8-2, or fold?  Of course, occasionally the 8c-7c yields a huge winning result, but more often you can get buried with this hand.  There is no doubt that playing these suited connectors causes huge swings.  I don’t like huge swings.  I like being a steady rock!  I like showing my opponents super strong, sometimes unbeatable hands when I put my big chips into the pot.  I like to play from a position of strength, not weakness or uncertainty.
Meanwhile, at the WSOPE I raised it up with 10s-7s under the gun, and was called by 4 players.  The flop was 10c-9d-6s, and I opted to bet out $1,500 into the $3,000 pot.  The gentleman behind me made it $3,000 to go, everyone else folded, and I decided that I had to go with this hand, as I only had $8,500 more, and this gentleman was a very loose player.  Thus I moved all in, and he called me and showed me 10-9, ouch!  I now needed an eight or two spades to hit on the next two cards.  The turn was the miraculous 8s, and now my opponent couldn’t even win with the nine of spades as it would make me a straight flush!  When the river was another harmless eight, I felt very fortunate to still be in the tournament.  I also reevaluated this style of play.  I used to be able to go days without ever being all in, and with this style I was all in on Day One!  So now I am going back to my super tight “Classic Phil” strategy, and look out poker world, you’re going to need some dynamite to knock me out of a poker tournament the next few years!
作者: 沉默的猪    时间: 2009-10-16 07:35
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
hey phil WCNMY !

Welcome China Nice Meet You !

English no good me, but i lovu
作者: pipi    时间: 2009-10-16 10:49
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
unbelievable... although i'm not a huge fan of ur "table style", but u're undoubtedly one of the best players in poker history. Welcome and looking forward to your posts.
Hello China!  My name is Phil Hellmuth jr., and I am a professional  
poker player.  I have written a New York Times best selling book  
("lay Poker like the Pros") on poker strategy and tactics, and I  
write a regular once a week column that is being translated and posted  
here at zhiyoucheng.com.  I know the ins and outs of Texas Hold'em,  
and I will share some serious knowledge with you in this column.  My  
columns are also current, relevant, and fun!

Players like Johnny Chan, David Chiu, and I prove that poker is a game  
of skill.  We keep winning poker tournaments--and money--month after  
month, year after year, decade after decade!  Chan has 10 World  
Championships of poker, second place only to me with 11.  The  
popularity of poker has never been higher.  Chan and I are known  
throughout the world for our poker skills.  Poker is a game of beauty  
and strategy.  Hello to my fans in China!

作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-10-16 11:31
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

WSOP 欧洲站



到了赛场,我就得把凯撒忘了,全身心投入打好比赛,并拿出自己的最佳水平。你们知道,近一两年来我看起来不怎么在状态,主要是我一直在尝试不同的技术和策略。我逐步从紧手、耐心的策略向更松、更富侵略性的策略变化。我在今年WSOP比赛中6次进钱圈,但却十年来第一次没有进入任何最终桌。拿着8c7c这样的牌去call raise和reraise的问题是你将时常处于一个困难境地,玩这些牌你将必须做出更多的决策。当flop出J-8-2时,你是否会call一个big bet,或者fold?当然,偶尔玩一下8c-7c可能会带来巨大的收益,但是更常见的是你讲被这种牌搞死。毫无疑问,玩这种同花连牌会导致很大的波动,我不喜欢,我喜欢稳定的盈利!当我把众多筹码推出去时,我喜欢向对手展示超强的牌,甚至是nuts。我喜欢靠实力取胜,没有弱点、没有不确定性。

我在枪口位置用Ts-7s加注,4个人call。Flop 10c-9d-6s,我在3000的池子里下注1500,后面的家伙加注到3000,其他人弃牌。考虑到我只有8500筹码了,同时这家伙是一个非常松的牌手,因此我决定冲上去。我allin,这家伙call了并展示了T-9,哇,现在我得寄希望于一个8或者两个黑桃了。转牌是奇迹般的黑桃8,现在我的对手连黑桃9也指望不上了——那样我就成了同花顺。当另一个没什么作用的8出现在河牌,我感到非常幸运能够继续留在比赛中。我重新评估了这种打法,我曾不用allin就能在比赛中走很远,但是这种打法逼着我在第一天就要allin。现在我将回归到超紧的“经典Phil”打法,所以在今后的几年里,除非你用炸药把我轰出去,否则我将在扑克比赛中所向披靡!
World Series of Poker Europe

In Late September almost every great poker player on the planet descended on the Empire Casino—in Leicester Square--in London to try to win millions of dollars and a WSOPE (World Series of Poker Europe) bracelet.  The poker world pretty much unanimously agreed that each of the four WSOPE bracelets would count as a coveted WSOP bracelet, and almost every great poker player wants bracelets baby!  The main event was a 10,000 pound buy in, or around $16,000, and it paid over $1 million for first.
I pulled my usual shenanigans and rode 10 blocks through the heart of London--from Waterloo to Leicester Square--in a chariot, dressed as Caesar!  It was pretty weird, and way over-the-top, to be riding through the streets with double decker busses whizzing by, thousands of people on the streets snapping photos and wondering what was going on, and paparazzi running alongside…And yes, I did feel a bit stupid, and I felt like it was too much, but I manned up and played Caesar because I think my entrances are fun, good for me, and good for poker.  When I arrived at the Empire I was walked into the tournament by 11 models in white Roman dresses, and that part was a lot of fun!  There are videos and pictures up of my entrance at all of the poker sites.
Upon my arrival I turned my mind from playing Caesar to playing great poker, or I should say that I tried to turn my mind towards playing great poker.  You see, I just haven’t been playing my best poker, primarily because I have been trying different tactics over the last year or two.  I have migrated away from tight patient tactics, and gone towards looser more aggressive tactics with mixed results.  I still managed to make six cashes at the WSOP this year, but I made zero final tables for the first time in like ten years, ouch!  The problem with calling raises and reraises with the 8c-7c is that you put yourself in a tough position most of the time, and playing these types of hands puts you in a spot where you have to make more decisions.  Do you call a big bet when it comes down J-8-2, or fold?  Of course, occasionally the 8c-7c yields a huge winning result, but more often you can get buried with this hand.  There is no doubt that playing these suited connectors causes huge swings.  I don’t like huge swings.  I like being a steady rock!  I like showing my opponents super strong, sometimes unbeatable hands when I put my big chips into the pot.  I like to play from a position of strength, not weakness or uncertainty.
Meanwhile, at the WSOPE I raised it up with 10s-7s under the gun, and was called by 4 players.  The flop was 10c-9d-6s, and I opted to bet out $1,500 into the $3,000 pot.  The gentleman behind me made it $3,000 to go, everyone else folded, and I decided that I had to go with this hand, as I only had $8,500 more, and this gentleman was a very loose player.  Thus I moved all in, and he called me and showed me 10-9, ouch!  I now needed an eight or two spades to hit on the next two cards.  The turn was the miraculous 8s, and now my opponent couldn’t even win with the nine of spades as it would make me a straight flush!  When the river was another harmless eight, I felt very fortunate to still be in the tournament.  I also reevaluated this style of play.  I used to be able to go days without ever being all in, and with this style I was all in on Day One!  So now I am going back to my super tight “Classic Phil” strategy, and look out poker world, you’re going to need some dynamite to knock me out of a poker tournament the next few years!

作者: pkducks    时间: 2009-10-16 11:32
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

9月下旬,几乎地球上的每一个扑克牌高手都聚集到了伦敦的莱斯特广场的帝国赌场,尽力赢得数百万美元和1 WSOPE(世界扑克系列欧洲)手镯。扑克世界几乎一致认为,四个WSOPE手镯跟令人垂涎夺得WSOP手镯是等价的,而几乎每一个伟大的扑克玩家想要WSOP手镯!主比赛一万英镑(约一万六千美元)买入,赢家奖金超过1百万美元。

我在我的入场式玩了把我平时的把戏,穿着凯撒衣服骑在一个战车上通过伦敦市中心10个街区-从滑铁卢的莱斯特广场! 这是很古怪,但这又是无可比拟的兴奋,当呼啸的双层公共汽车在身边穿过,成千上万的人不知道是怎么回事又纷纷在街头拍照,还有狗仔队追踪...是的,我的确感到有点愚蠢,我感觉有点过头了. 但我坚持下来了,因为我觉得我的入场式很好玩,对我很有帮助,和扑克也很有帮助。到了赌场后,我又被十一个穿着白色罗马帝国衫的模特们簇拥着走进在比赛场,这个场景也很好玩!这些录像和照片都登在了在扑克杂志和网站上。 当我走进赛场后,我立刻从凯撒的扮演者进入了扑克高手的状态,老实说应该是试着进入扑克高手的状态。

你们知道,我最近状态不是很好,主要原因是这两年我正在转型。我试着从紧凶型向松凶型过渡,结果现在有输有赢。我今年虽然进了WSOP六次钱圈, 但是一次终桌都没有进,好像是十年来第一次, 奥(疼的感叹词)!

主要问题是当你拿着8c7c这样的牌跟加注和再加注后的锅时,你把自己放到了一个需要做很多艰难决定的位置上. 想象一下翻牌是J82, 别人下了大注,你跟还是不跟? 当然玩87你赢得锅会很大,不过更多的时候你会被砸死. 毋庸置疑,玩这种牌输赢会很大,我不喜欢大输赢,我喜欢做一个稳定的磐石. 当我把大把的筹码推到锅里时,我喜欢让我的对手知道我的牌不是一般的强, 而且有时候更是不可战胜的. 我喜欢坐在强者的位置上, 而不是弱者或着模凌两可的位置上.

说到这, 这是我在欧洲锦标赛上的一幅牌. 我在枪口加注10s7s, 4人进锅, 翻牌10c-9d-6s, 我选择下1500, 我下手加到3000, 2人盖牌,由于我只有8500,我决定打倒底, 还有这位老兄很松, 所以我全压, 他跟, 10-9, 奥(疼的感叹词)! 我需要在接下来的两张牌里来8,或者两个黑桃. 转牌居然是黑桃8, 那哥们只剩一点点机会了, 因为黑桃9会让我成同花顺. 河牌是无关痛痒的8. 我真的很幸运居然还能活下来. 我重新考虑了这种打法, 我以前经常好几天都不会全压, 现在我居然在第一天就全压了!

所以我又回到了我以前的"传统phil"型很紧法. 小心了扑克界的玩家们 , 你们在今后的几年里将需要炸药才能把我打败!
作者: pkducks    时间: 2009-10-16 11:34
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

WSOP 欧洲站

你居然手比我快,赫赫,我做无用功了. 一定要在周赛上灭了你 [s:176]  [s:176]  [s:176]
作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-10-16 11:36
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

WSOP 欧洲站

你居然手比我快,赫赫,我做无用功了. 一定要在周赛上灭了你 [s:176]  [s:176]  [s:176][/quote:yti47skc]

咳,这年头连做好事儿都得抢 [s:167]
作者: chysxmy    时间: 2009-10-16 11:45
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
welcome !
作者: pipi    时间: 2009-10-16 11:57
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
let me try to translate it for Phil. 我来翻译一下吧。





World Series of Poker Europe

In Late September almost every great poker player on the planet descended on the Empire Casino—in Leicester Square--in London to try to win millions of dollars and a WSOPE (World Series of Poker Europe) bracelet.  The poker world pretty much unanimously agreed that each of the four WSOPE bracelets would count as a coveted WSOP bracelet, and almost every great poker player wants bracelets baby!  The main event was a 10,000 pound buy in, or around $16,000, and it paid over $1 million for first.
I pulled my usual shenanigans and rode 10 blocks through the heart of London--from Waterloo to Leicester Square--in a chariot, dressed as Caesar!  It was pretty weird, and way over-the-top, to be riding through the streets with double decker busses whizzing by, thousands of people on the streets snapping photos and wondering what was going on, and paparazzi running alongside…And yes, I did feel a bit stupid, and I felt like it was too much, but I manned up and played Caesar because I think my entrances are fun, good for me, and good for poker.  When I arrived at the Empire I was walked into the tournament by 11 models in white Roman dresses, and that part was a lot of fun!  There are videos and pictures up of my entrance at all of the poker sites.
Upon my arrival I turned my mind from playing Caesar to playing great poker, or I should say that I tried to turn my mind towards playing great poker.  You see, I just haven’t been playing my best poker, primarily because I have been trying different tactics over the last year or two.  I have migrated away from tight patient tactics, and gone towards looser more aggressive tactics with mixed results.  I still managed to make six cashes at the WSOP this year, but I made zero final tables for the first time in like ten years, ouch!  The problem with calling raises and reraises with the 8c-7c is that you put yourself in a tough position most of the time, and playing these types of hands puts you in a spot where you have to make more decisions.  Do you call a big bet when it comes down J-8-2, or fold?  Of course, occasionally the 8c-7c yields a huge winning result, but more often you can get buried with this hand.  There is no doubt that playing these suited connectors causes huge swings.  I don’t like huge swings.  I like being a steady rock!  I like showing my opponents super strong, sometimes unbeatable hands when I put my big chips into the pot.  I like to play from a position of strength, not weakness or uncertainty.
Meanwhile, at the WSOPE I raised it up with 10s-7s under the gun, and was called by 4 players.  The flop was 10c-9d-6s, and I opted to bet out $1,500 into the $3,000 pot.  The gentleman behind me made it $3,000 to go, everyone else folded, and I decided that I had to go with this hand, as I only had $8,500 more, and this gentleman was a very loose player.  Thus I moved all in, and he called me and showed me 10-9, ouch!  I now needed an eight or two spades to hit on the next two cards.  The turn was the miraculous 8s, and now my opponent couldn’t even win with the nine of spades as it would make me a straight flush!  When the river was another harmless eight, I felt very fortunate to still be in the tournament.  I also reevaluated this style of play.  I used to be able to go days without ever being all in, and with this style I was all in on Day One!  So now I am going back to my super tight “Classic Phil” strategy, and look out poker world, you’re going to need some dynamite to knock me out of a poker tournament the next few years!

作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-10-16 11:58
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
晕死,又来一个。搞得跟翻译比赛似的,这不存心让我这样的土鳖丢人么! [s:176]

let me try to translate it for Phil. 我来翻译一下吧。






[quote="hil Hellmuth":1q4kgebk]World Series of Poker Europe

In Late September almost every great poker player on the planet descended on the Empire Casino—in Leicester Square--in London to try to win millions of dollars and a WSOPE (World Series of Poker Europe) bracelet.  The poker world pretty much unanimously agreed that each of the four WSOPE bracelets would count as a coveted WSOP bracelet, and almost every great poker player wants bracelets baby!  The main event was a 10,000 pound buy in, or around $16,000, and it paid over $1 million for first.
I pulled my usual shenanigans and rode 10 blocks through the heart of London--from Waterloo to Leicester Square--in a chariot, dressed as Caesar!  It was pretty weird, and way over-the-top, to be riding through the streets with double decker busses whizzing by, thousands of people on the streets snapping photos and wondering what was going on, and paparazzi running alongside…And yes, I did feel a bit stupid, and I felt like it was too much, but I manned up and played Caesar because I think my entrances are fun, good for me, and good for poker.  When I arrived at the Empire I was walked into the tournament by 11 models in white Roman dresses, and that part was a lot of fun!  There are videos and pictures up of my entrance at all of the poker sites.
Upon my arrival I turned my mind from playing Caesar to playing great poker, or I should say that I tried to turn my mind towards playing great poker.  You see, I just haven’t been playing my best poker, primarily because I have been trying different tactics over the last year or two.  I have migrated away from tight patient tactics, and gone towards looser more aggressive tactics with mixed results.  I still managed to make six cashes at the WSOP this year, but I made zero final tables for the first time in like ten years, ouch!  The problem with calling raises and reraises with the 8c-7c is that you put yourself in a tough position most of the time, and playing these types of hands puts you in a spot where you have to make more decisions.  Do you call a big bet when it comes down J-8-2, or fold?  Of course, occasionally the 8c-7c yields a huge winning result, but more often you can get buried with this hand.  There is no doubt that playing these suited connectors causes huge swings.  I don’t like huge swings.  I like being a steady rock!  I like showing my opponents super strong, sometimes unbeatable hands when I put my big chips into the pot.  I like to play from a position of strength, not weakness or uncertainty.
Meanwhile, at the WSOPE I raised it up with 10s-7s under the gun, and was called by 4 players.  The flop was 10c-9d-6s, and I opted to bet out $1,500 into the $3,000 pot.  The gentleman behind me made it $3,000 to go, everyone else folded, and I decided that I had to go with this hand, as I only had $8,500 more, and this gentleman was a very loose player.  Thus I moved all in, and he called me and showed me 10-9, ouch!  I now needed an eight or two spades to hit on the next two cards.  The turn was the miraculous 8s, and now my opponent couldn’t even win with the nine of spades as it would make me a straight flush!  When the river was another harmless eight, I felt very fortunate to still be in the tournament.  I also reevaluated this style of play.  I used to be able to go days without ever being all in, and with this style I was all in on Day One!  So now I am going back to my super tight “Classic Phil” strategy, and look out poker world, you’re going to need some dynamite to knock me out of a poker tournament the next few years!
作者: luckypanda    时间: 2009-10-16 12:02
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
mardiego,pkducks和pipi真热心啊,都值得大力表扬!!不知道还有没有正翻到一半的同学暗地里懊悔做了无用功呢。 [s:146]

不如这样吧,每周在贴出Phil Hellmuth的新文章后,愿意义务做翻译的同学就跟贴说一声。只要有一人跟贴说他在翻译中,那么其他人就不做重复工作了,反正每周都会有Phil Hellmuth的新文章,大家轮流做就很好,也不会太累。
作者: pipi    时间: 2009-10-16 12:03
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
主要是想考验一下那个让北京mm教他英语的人是不是真心为了学英语,哈哈。。。我们都是在国外呆了很久的大老爷们吧?中文不敢说,但英文应该都比那个北京mm强多了。 [s:167]
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-10-16 12:19
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
mardiego,pkducks和pipi真热心啊,都值得大力表扬!!不知道还有没有正翻到一半的同学暗地里懊悔做了无用功呢。 [s:146]

不如这样吧,每周在贴出Phil Hellmuth的新文章后,愿意义务做翻译的同学就跟贴说一声。只要有一人跟贴说他在翻译中,那么其他人就不做重复工作了,反正每周都会有Phil Hellmuth的新文章,大家轮流做就很好,也不会太累。
是啊,我在主贴的更新中刚刚提到这一点。是我的失误,没想到在好人不多的今天咱智游城一下冒出好几个。。。惭愧,惭愧 [s:174]  [s:174]  [s:174]
作者: 半路相遇    时间: 2009-10-16 12:48
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
OK,real Phil Hellmuth come and join Zhiyoucheng.
Wellcome Phil,you are very funny at wsop2009 that i thought.

英语不好请见谅! [s:185]  [s:185]
作者: mavrick1999    时间: 2009-10-16 13:07
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
When will we have Daniel Negreanu on board?

I am a big fan of him.
作者: skizzik    时间: 2009-10-16 21:38
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Wellcome Phil
作者: Phil Hellmuth    时间: 2009-10-17 02:21
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
(This one was written a month ago. Not current, but worth a read)

                                            14 Gold Medals and a Player Too!

I watched the 2008 Summer Olympics with awe, and no small measure of amazement as Michael Phelps won gold medal after gold medal.  One day it was Phelps by a country mile, the next day Phelps relay mates ran down their opponents at the last possible second, even though those opponents were the fastest in the world in their discipline!  At first, over their loud protests, I made my sons come and watch each race on television, knowing that we were witnessing something truly special on a historical and a global scale.  Finally, there was the race that defies explanation, where Phelps won a race that the world watched the replay of, over-and-over, and yet still we were left shaking our heads in disbelief.  Phelps was beaten, but somehow he used a half-stroke, a move that no one would coach, to beat Cavic by literally, a fingernail!  When I watched this replay seven or eight times, my sons were very happy to be in the room watching with me.  Eight races, eight gold medals, what else can you say?
As news filtered to the poker world that Phelps was a poker player, and a fan of the poker world, the players took notice.  Then a few months after the Olympics ended, I was in Las Vegas when Phelps asked to meet me.  I have met some of the biggest celebs in the world, but Phelps was the first person that I was completely star struck by!  Also, I was impressed with his knowledge of Texas Hold’em, and the very next day Phelps made a final table in a tournament at Caesars Palace with over 300 entrants.  Currently I’m trying to get Phelps to go to Ultimatebet.com’s Aruba Poker Classic tournament, and he is on the fence.  Meanwhile, Phelps played a big pot in a tournament the other day that I decided to write up here in my column.
The blinds were $500-$1,000, with a $125 a man ante, Player A moved all in--in first position--for $5,000 with K-6 off suit, everyone else folded and then Phelps moved all in—in the small blind--for $29,000 with 9h-9d.  Player B--in the big blind—tanked for a moment, and then called $28,000 more with A-7 off suit.  The cards went on their backs, and the flop came down 10-9-6.  What a great flop for Phelps, and his pair of nines.  The turn was a jack, which means that Phelps could now lose to an eight, or a queen on the river.  Alas, the river was an eight!
Let’s take a closer look at the play of this hand.  I do not like Player A’s all in move under the gun with K-6.  I would greatly prefer the fold!  I mean, he would have been in the big blind the very next hand, and who knows what could happen then.  Maybe someone in late position would have raised it up with 2-2, or Q-J, or a bluff and Player A could find himself a favorite to win a $10,000 pot.  Or maybe, Player A could have folded both blind hands and still had $3,000 left when he took possession of the button, where he would have had seven hands to choose from.  Phelps $29,000 move was a good one, as he only had to fear Player B in the big blind.  In fact, Phelps sent a clear message to Player B, and it was, “I have a strong hand!”  I hate Player B’s call here with A-7.  He obviously didn’t hear Phelps message, or interpret it very well.  But regardless, Player B had only $1,000 in the pot, and it was $28,000 more to call with A-7 off suit.  If Mike “The mouth” Matusow saw Player B make that call, he would shout, “Are you insane!?!”
Phelps has a ton of poker talent, and in the next fifteen years don’t be surprised to see him win a few WSOP bracelets to go along with his, oh say, 19 to 24 gold medals!  By the way, just today I asked Phelps if he wanted to trade one of my WSOP bracelets for one of his gold medals, but I don’t think he’ll go for it!!
作者: thirtystand    时间: 2009-10-17 06:28
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
It is a fun article. So you prefer Olympic gold medal to WSOP bracelet? Come on, there are much more Olympic medals than WSOP bracelets every year, so I think yours are more valuable.
(This one was written a month ago. Not current, but worth a read)

                                            14 Gold Medals and a Player Too!

I watched the 2008 Summer Olympics with awe, and no small measure of amazement as Michael Phelps won gold medal after gold medal.  One day it was Phelps by a country mile, the next day Phelps relay mates ran down their opponents at the last possible second, even though those opponents were the fastest in the world in their discipline!  At first, over their loud protests, I made my sons come and watch each race on television, knowing that we were witnessing something truly special on a historical and a global scale.  Finally, there was the race that defies explanation, where Phelps won a race that the world watched the replay of, over-and-over, and yet still we were left shaking our heads in disbelief.  Phelps was beaten, but somehow he used a half-stroke, a move that no one would coach, to beat Cavic by literally, a fingernail!  When I watched this replay seven or eight times, my sons were very happy to be in the room watching with me.  Eight races, eight gold medals, what else can you say?
As news filtered to the poker world that Phelps was a poker player, and a fan of the poker world, the players took notice.  Then a few months after the Olympics ended, I was in Las Vegas when Phelps asked to meet me.  I have met some of the biggest celebs in the world, but Phelps was the first person that I was completely star struck by!  Also, I was impressed with his knowledge of Texas Hold’em, and the very next day Phelps made a final table in a tournament at Caesars Palace with over 300 entrants.  Currently I’m trying to get Phelps to go to Ultimatebet.com’s Aruba Poker Classic tournament, and he is on the fence.  Meanwhile, Phelps played a big pot in a tournament the other day that I decided to write up here in my column.
The blinds were $500-$1,000, with a $125 a man ante, Player A moved all in--in first position--for $5,000 with K-6 off suit, everyone else folded and then Phelps moved all in—in the small blind--for $29,000 with 9h-9d.  Player B--in the big blind—tanked for a moment, and then called $28,000 more with A-7 off suit.  The cards went on their backs, and the flop came down 10-9-6.  What a great flop for Phelps, and his pair of nines.  The turn was a jack, which means that Phelps could now lose to an eight, or a queen on the river.  Alas, the river was an eight!
Let’s take a closer look at the play of this hand.  I do not like Player A’s all in move under the gun with K-6.  I would greatly prefer the fold!  I mean, he would have been in the big blind the very next hand, and who knows what could happen then.  Maybe someone in late position would have raised it up with 2-2, or Q-J, or a bluff and Player A could find himself a favorite to win a $10,000 pot.  Or maybe, Player A could have folded both blind hands and still had $3,000 left when he took possession of the button, where he would have had seven hands to choose from.  Phelps $29,000 move was a good one, as he only had to fear Player B in the big blind.  In fact, Phelps sent a clear message to Player B, and it was, “I have a strong hand!”  I hate Player B’s call here with A-7.  He obviously didn’t hear Phelps message, or interpret it very well.  But regardless, Player B had only $1,000 in the pot, and it was $28,000 more to call with A-7 off suit.  If Mike “The mouth” Matusow saw Player B make that call, he would shout, “Are you insane!?!”
Phelps has a ton of poker talent, and in the next fifteen years don’t be surprised to see him win a few WSOP bracelets to go along with his, oh say, 19 to 24 gold medals!  By the way, just today I asked Phelps if he wanted to trade one of my WSOP bracelets for one of his gold medals, but I don’t think he’ll go for it!!

作者: lazycrow    时间: 2009-10-17 06:56
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
lol,unbelievable...welcome phil....
作者: David Chiu    时间: 2009-10-17 09:04
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
mardiego,pkducks,pipi...怎么一天打鱼,三天晒网了? [s:167] 又辛苦大家了。谢谢!
作者: lady79    时间: 2009-10-17 09:43
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
da jia  bang mang  ba phil hellmuth shuo de huan fan yi yi xia .rang wo men ye ke yi ming bai ta zai shuo shen me .

da ying wen guo ran lei a .ti liang xia wo ye bu rong yi a  [s:167]
作者: pipi    时间: 2009-10-17 09:50
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
mardiego,pkducks,pipi...怎么一天打鱼,三天晒网了? [s:167] 又辛苦大家了。谢谢!

作者: luckypanda    时间: 2009-10-17 10:08
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

去哪找这么好的同志啊? [s:146]
作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-10-17 12:18
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
da jia  bang mang  ba phil hellmuth shuo de huan fan yi yi xia .rang wo men ye ke yi ming bai ta zai shuo shen me .

da ying wen guo ran lei a .ti liang xia wo ye bu rong yi a  [s:167]

[s:176] 兄弟,要么英文要么中文,汉语拼音读起来很费劲阿。
作者: luckypanda    时间: 2009-10-17 12:40
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
[quote="lady79":2rrp298q]da jia  bang mang  ba phil hellmuth shuo de huan fan yi yi xia .rang wo men ye ke yi ming bai ta zai shuo shen me .

da ying wen guo ran lei a .ti liang xia wo ye bu rong yi a  [s:167]

[s:176] 兄弟,要么英文要么中文,汉语拼音读起来很费劲阿。[/quote:2rrp298q]

就是啊,小鲨,别闹嘛。 [s:146]
作者: pipi    时间: 2009-10-17 12:47
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏






让我们更为仔细地分析一下这手牌。我不喜欢玩家A在枪口位置的全押。我肯定会弃牌。下一手他将处于大盲位置,谁知道那时会发生什么呢。也许某个后位的玩家会用2-2或Q-J加注,或者干脆就是bluff,那样的话玩家A很有可能赢得一个$10000的锅。或者,A可以连续在大小盲注弃牌,当他回到庄家位置时虽只剩$3000筹码,但还有7次机会。菲尔普斯的$29000全押是个很不错的行动,因为他只需担忧处在大盲位置的玩家B。实际上菲尔普斯给玩家B发出了明确的信息:“我有手强牌!”我不喜欢B的跟牌。显然他忽略或是误解了菲尔普斯传达的信息。无论如何,B目前为止只在池底投资了$1000,跟牌需要用A-7杂花再投资$28000。如果“大嘴”Mike Matusow看见玩家B的这个跟牌的话,他一定会大声嚷嚷:“你疯了吗?!”

(This one was written a month ago. Not current, but worth a read)

                                            14 Gold Medals and a Player Too!

I watched the 2008 Summer Olympics with awe, and no small measure of amazement as Michael Phelps won gold medal after gold medal.  One day it was Phelps by a country mile, the next day Phelps relay mates ran down their opponents at the last possible second, even though those opponents were the fastest in the world in their discipline!  At first, over their loud protests, I made my sons come and watch each race on television, knowing that we were witnessing something truly special on a historical and a global scale.  Finally, there was the race that defies explanation, where Phelps won a race that the world watched the replay of, over-and-over, and yet still we were left shaking our heads in disbelief.  Phelps was beaten, but somehow he used a half-stroke, a move that no one would coach, to beat Cavic by literally, a fingernail!  When I watched this replay seven or eight times, my sons were very happy to be in the room watching with me.  Eight races, eight gold medals, what else can you say?
As news filtered to the poker world that Phelps was a poker player, and a fan of the poker world, the players took notice.  Then a few months after the Olympics ended, I was in Las Vegas when Phelps asked to meet me.  I have met some of the biggest celebs in the world, but Phelps was the first person that I was completely star struck by!  Also, I was impressed with his knowledge of Texas Hold’em, and the very next day Phelps made a final table in a tournament at Caesars Palace with over 300 entrants.  Currently I’m trying to get Phelps to go to Ultimatebet.com’s Aruba Poker Classic tournament, and he is on the fence.  Meanwhile, Phelps played a big pot in a tournament the other day that I decided to write up here in my column.
The blinds were $500-$1,000, with a $125 a man ante, Player A moved all in--in first position--for $5,000 with K-6 off suit, everyone else folded and then Phelps moved all in—in the small blind--for $29,000 with 9h-9d.  Player B--in the big blind—tanked for a moment, and then called $28,000 more with A-7 off suit.  The cards went on their backs, and the flop came down 10-9-6.  What a great flop for Phelps, and his pair of nines.  The turn was a jack, which means that Phelps could now lose to an eight, or a queen on the river.  Alas, the river was an eight!
Let’s take a closer look at the play of this hand.  I do not like Player A’s all in move under the gun with K-6.  I would greatly prefer the fold!  I mean, he would have been in the big blind the very next hand, and who knows what could happen then.  Maybe someone in late position would have raised it up with 2-2, or Q-J, or a bluff and Player A could find himself a favorite to win a $10,000 pot.  Or maybe, Player A could have folded both blind hands and still had $3,000 left when he took possession of the button, where he would have had seven hands to choose from.  Phelps $29,000 move was a good one, as he only had to fear Player B in the big blind.  In fact, Phelps sent a clear message to Player B, and it was, “I have a strong hand!”  I hate Player B’s call here with A-7.  He obviously didn’t hear Phelps message, or interpret it very well.  But regardless, Player B had only $1,000 in the pot, and it was $28,000 more to call with A-7 off suit.  If Mike “The mouth” Matusow saw Player B make that call, he would shout, “Are you insane!?!”
Phelps has a ton of poker talent, and in the next fifteen years don’t be surprised to see him win a few WSOP bracelets to go along with his, oh say, 19 to 24 gold medals!  By the way, just today I asked Phelps if he wanted to trade one of my WSOP bracelets for one of his gold medals, but I don’t think he’ll go for it!!

作者: luckypanda    时间: 2009-10-17 16:53
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
pipi辛苦了,谢谢啊。 [s:146]
作者: wmwmw    时间: 2009-10-17 19:19
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
(This one was written a month ago. Not current, but worth a read)

                                            14 Gold Medals and a Player Too!

I watched the 2008 Summer Olympics with awe, and no small measure of amazement as Michael Phelps won gold medal after gold medal.  One day it was Phelps by a country mile, the next day Phelps relay mates ran down their opponents at the last possible second, even though those opponents were the fastest in the world in their discipline!  At first, over their loud protests, I made my sons come and watch each race on television, knowing that we were witnessing something truly special on a historical and a global scale.  Finally, there was the race that defies explanation, where Phelps won a race that the world watched the replay of, over-and-over, and yet still we were left shaking our heads in disbelief.  Phelps was beaten, but somehow he used a half-stroke, a move that no one would coach, to beat Cavic by literally, a fingernail!  When I watched this replay seven or eight times, my sons were very happy to be in the room watching with me.  Eight races, eight gold medals, what else can you say?
As news filtered to the poker world that Phelps was a poker player, and a fan of the poker world, the players took notice.  Then a few months after the Olympics ended, I was in Las Vegas when Phelps asked to meet me.  I have met some of the biggest celebs in the world, but Phelps was the first person that I was completely star struck by!  Also, I was impressed with his knowledge of Texas Hold’em, and the very next day Phelps made a final table in a tournament at Caesars Palace with over 300 entrants.  Currently I’m trying to get Phelps to go to Ultimatebet.com’s Aruba Poker Classic tournament, and he is on the fence.  Meanwhile, Phelps played a big pot in a tournament the other day that I decided to write up here in my column.
The blinds were $500-$1,000, with a $125 a man ante, Player A moved all in--in first position--for $5,000 with K-6 off suit, everyone else folded and then Phelps moved all in—in the small blind--for $29,000 with 9h-9d.  Player B--in the big blind—tanked for a moment, and then called $28,000 more with A-7 off suit.  The cards went on their backs, and the flop came down 10-9-6.  What a great flop for Phelps, and his pair of nines.  The turn was a jack, which means that Phelps could now lose to an eight, or a queen on the river.  Alas, the river was an eight!
Let’s take a closer look at the play of this hand.  I do not like Player A’s all in move under the gun with K-6.  I would greatly prefer the fold!  I mean, he would have been in the big blind the very next hand, and who knows what could happen then.  Maybe someone in late position would have raised it up with 2-2, or Q-J, or a bluff and Player A could find himself a favorite to win a $10,000 pot.  Or maybe, Player A could have folded both blind hands and still had $3,000 left when he took possession of the button, where he would have had seven hands to choose from.  Phelps $29,000 move was a good one, as he only had to fear Player B in the big blind.  In fact, Phelps sent a clear message to Player B, and it was, “I have a strong hand!”  I hate Player B’s call here with A-7.  He obviously didn’t hear Phelps message, or interpret it very well.  But regardless, Player B had only $1,000 in the pot, and it was $28,000 more to call with A-7 off suit.  If Mike “The mouth” Matusow saw Player B make that call, he would shout, “Are you insane!?!”
Phelps has a ton of poker talent, and in the next fifteen years don’t be surprised to see him win a few WSOP bracelets to go along with his, oh say, 19 to 24 gold medals!  By the way, just today I asked Phelps if he wanted to trade one of my WSOP bracelets for one of his gold medals, but I don’t think he’ll go for it!!

"By the way, just today I asked Phelps if he wanted to trade one of my WSOP bracelets for one of his gold medals, but I don’t think he’ll go for it!!"

I guess he would trade one of his gold medals for the money you won from one of your WSOP bracelets.
作者: flyerkite    时间: 2009-10-17 22:29
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
你好,Phil Hellmuth! [s:146]
作者: heeh    时间: 2009-10-19 09:16
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: dpiero    时间: 2009-10-19 10:54
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Phil Hellmuth 我可是你的FANS啊~~
作者: Phil Hellmuth    时间: 2009-10-19 15:09
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Anthrax in Aruba!?!

I am proud to say that Scott Ian is an UltimateBet.com pro.  Ian is also a rock star who plays rhythm guitar in two bands (“Anthrax” and “Pearl”), a comic book writer (“Lobo”), and of course, an online and real world poker player.  At the 2009 WSOP (World Series of Poker) Ian found himself juggling some serious balls.  On Sunday night, Ian landed in Vegas straight from Germany--and an Anthrax Tour--and he immediately went to the Rio Hotel to sign up for the WSOP.  Ian made it through Day One on Monday, then he played Day Two on Wednesday.  After making it through Wednesday’s Day Two Ian slept for a whole 90 minutes and then hopped on a 6:00 am flight to Tulsa, Oklahoma for a show Thursday night with “Anthrax.”  After the show, Ian slept another 90 minutes and hopped on another 6:00 am flight, this time back to Vegas on Friday morning for Day Three.  Luckily for Ian, there were no flight delays on the way back to Vegas—he went through Denver--but there was a lot of stress.  A flight delay could have cost Ian 50% of his chips, or more!
Ian then somehow made it through Day Three on Friday, and when he hit his room on Friday night he completely passed out!  Day Four began at noon on Saturday, and Ian managed to make it right down to the money “bubble” (the final 650 or so in a field for 6,900 players), before the action became interminably slow.  You see, when they were three players away from the money, they began dealing “Hand-for-hand,” which means that every table had to finish their hand, and then they dealt a new hand.  With 75 tables, they were playing about eight hands per hour, whereas before the “hand-for-hand” they were dealing about 30 hands per hour.  This is where Ian literally starting sleeping between hands!  Did I mention that Ian has never done drugs before?  In any case, somehow Ian pushed through and made the money, before busting out late on Day Four.
I ran into Ian again in Aruba in early October, at the UltimateBet.com “Aruba Poker Classic” and this is his “Hand of the Week.”  On Day One Ian was playing textbook super tight poker and cruising along, when he overheard the chip leader at the table, who had gone from $90,000 down to $75,000 say, “OK, I’m shutting it down.  I’m on a bit of a losing streak and I don’t want to lose any more chips!”  Ian was a little short, but had a great “Tight image” and he decided on the spot that he would try to bluff the chip leader.  Most of us wouldn’t think of trying to bluff the chip leader, but after those comments, bluffing the chip leader seemed like a logical move.
Fifteen minutes later Ian was in the big blind when the chip leader raised it up under the gun to $950 to go with 10-10 and everyone else folded; then Ian made it $3,100 to go with A-8.  The chip leader called, the flop was Qc-Qh-6d, and both players checked.  The turn card was a jack, Ian bet $5,100, and the chip leader snap called.  Once he snap called, Ian knew that he was beat, but he thought that he could bluff the river.  The river was an eight.  Now Ian “Shoved” (went all in) for roughly $12,000, and the chip leader tanked for three minutes, and eventually the chip leader called the clock on himself!  Then the chip leader asked the floor person if he could show his hand face up to Ian in order to try to read Ian (you can show your hand, but then you will get a 20 minute penalty).  Ian says, “At this point I didn’t say a word, or make a motion; I was Mount Rushmore!”  The chip leader folded, and showed his 10-10, and Ian flashed an eight as he mucked his cards.  Most of us would have checked down after the eight hit figuring that we may well have the best hand, but Ian played this hand masterfully!
作者: wangxiaoqing    时间: 2009-10-20 23:13
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: mardiego    时间: 2009-10-21 11:09
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

我很自豪Scott Ian也是一个Ultimatebet.com的签约牌手。Ian是一个摇滚明星,在两支摇滚乐队(“Anthrax”炭疽、“Pearl”珍珠)
可能耗掉Ian 50%的筹码,甚至更多!



15分钟后,Ian轮到了大盲位置。地主在枪口位置用对10加注到950,所有人弃牌;Ian用A-8再加注到3100,地主call。flop 是
展示了一张8。也许很多人在rier 8出现时会check,期望自己会幸运地战胜对手,但是Ian却像大师一样露了一手!
Anthrax in Aruba!?!

I am proud to say that Scott Ian is an UltimateBet.com pro.  Ian is also a rock star who plays rhythm guitar in two bands (“Anthrax” and “Pearl”), a comic book writer (“Lobo”), and of course, an online and real world poker player.  At the 2009 WSOP (World Series of Poker) Ian found himself juggling some serious balls.  On Sunday night, Ian landed in Vegas straight from Germany--and an Anthrax Tour--and he immediately went to the Rio Hotel to sign up for the WSOP.  Ian made it through Day One on Monday, then he played Day Two on Wednesday.  After making it through Wednesday’s Day Two Ian slept for a whole 90 minutes and then hopped on a 6:00 am flight to Tulsa, Oklahoma for a show Thursday night with “Anthrax.”  After the show, Ian slept another 90 minutes and hopped on another 6:00 am flight, this time back to Vegas on Friday morning for Day Three.  Luckily for Ian, there were no flight delays on the way back to Vegas—he went through Denver--but there was a lot of stress.  A flight delay could have cost Ian 50% of his chips, or more!
Ian then somehow made it through Day Three on Friday, and when he hit his room on Friday night he completely passed out!  Day Four began at noon on Saturday, and Ian managed to make it right down to the money “bubble” (the final 650 or so in a field for 6,900 players), before the action became interminably slow.  You see, when they were three players away from the money, they began dealing “Hand-for-hand,” which means that every table had to finish their hand, and then they dealt a new hand.  With 75 tables, they were playing about eight hands per hour, whereas before the “hand-for-hand” they were dealing about 30 hands per hour.  This is where Ian literally starting sleeping between hands!  Did I mention that Ian has never done drugs before?  In any case, somehow Ian pushed through and made the money, before busting out late on Day Four.
I ran into Ian again in Aruba in early October, at the UltimateBet.com “Aruba Poker Classic” and this is his “Hand of the Week.”  On Day One Ian was playing textbook super tight poker and cruising along, when he overheard the chip leader at the table, who had gone from $90,000 down to $75,000 say, “OK, I’m shutting it down.  I’m on a bit of a losing streak and I don’t want to lose any more chips!”  Ian was a little short, but had a great “Tight image” and he decided on the spot that he would try to bluff the chip leader.  Most of us wouldn’t think of trying to bluff the chip leader, but after those comments, bluffing the chip leader seemed like a logical move.
Fifteen minutes later Ian was in the big blind when the chip leader raised it up under the gun to $950 to go with 10-10 and everyone else folded; then Ian made it $3,100 to go with A-8.  The chip leader called, the flop was Qc-Qh-6d, and both players checked.  The turn card was a jack, Ian bet $5,100, and the chip leader snap called.  Once he snap called, Ian knew that he was beat, but he thought that he could bluff the river.  The river was an eight.  Now Ian “Shoved” (went all in) for roughly $12,000, and the chip leader tanked for three minutes, and eventually the chip leader called the clock on himself!  Then the chip leader asked the floor person if he could show his hand face up to Ian in order to try to read Ian (you can show your hand, but then you will get a 20 minute penalty).  Ian says, “At this point I didn’t say a word, or make a motion; I was Mount Rushmore!”  The chip leader folded, and showed his 10-10, and Ian flashed an eight as he mucked his cards.  Most of us would have checked down after the eight hit figuring that we may well have the best hand, but Ian played this hand masterfully!

作者: luckypanda    时间: 2009-10-22 07:02
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: yangky    时间: 2009-10-22 08:12
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
fight on!phil!
作者: bigslick112    时间: 2009-10-24 04:24
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: shfe    时间: 2009-10-25 17:06
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: edwu20    时间: 2009-10-26 09:17
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
hi phil.welcome to Z. [s:167]
作者: wwei25    时间: 2009-10-26 09:19
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
HI PHIL .how time you won wosp. [s:167]
作者: Eelement    时间: 2009-10-26 17:13
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: Phil Hellmuth    时间: 2009-10-27 02:26
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Venture Capitalist Bad Beat!

Joe Lakob is a friend of mine from the San Francisco bay area.  Lakob is one of the most powerful VC’s (Venture Capitalist) in the world, and he is one of the minority owners of the Boston Celtics.  Lakob’s VC firm is like U2, they have hit-after-hit-after-hit (“Google” for one) for decades!  Lakob is an understated guy, which isn’t always the case with the world’s most successful VC’s.  Recently Lakob and his lovely girlfriend Nicole decided to enter the “Festa al Lago” poker tournament at the Bellagio; which is a $15,000 buy in WPT (World Poker Tour) event.  Naturally Lakob and Nicole called me to ask me for some advice.  I sat them both down and gave them a strategy that was designed to keep them in the tournament as long as possible, and give them a chance to actually win it.
I told them to play the “Classic Phil” strategy which entails playing super tight before the flop (throwing away hands like 8c-7c, 10d-9d, and Ah-4h for a raise); never calling a bet or a raise pre-flop unless they had a pocket pair; and coming over-the-top once in hour with a weak holding when they sensed weakness in their opponents.  I also coached them to slow play any sets that they flopped.  Lakob took all of my advice to heart, and although it was sometimes boring for him, and sometimes frustrating for him to play this style of poker, he made it through Day Two and on top of that, his timing was near perfect on the moves that he did attempt.  Lakob stuck to my advice and made about one move per hour, coming over the top with nothing, and every time he did this, his opponent folded.  Thus, going into Day Three I recommended that whenever Lakob sensed weakness, he should come over the top.  I mean, when your batting 100% coming over the top, then obviously you’re reading weakness in others well.  And if you’re reading weakness in others well, then it is time to take the over the top moves to the next level.  FYI – I went out on Day Two after I lost two coin flips, my A-K to their Q-Q for a $90,000 pot; and my A-K to their J-J for a $40,000 pot.
Going into Day Three Lakob had $90,000 in chips, and there were 98 players remaining out of 280 starters.  Three hours into Day three, with about 80 players left, and the blinds at $1,500-$3,000 and a $300 a player ante, everyone folded to the small blind where Lakob was sitting with the Ah-8h, and $51,000 in chips.  Lakob opened for $9,000, and the player in the big blind called.  The flop was Ad-10h-2h, and Lakob opted to move all in for $42,000.  What a great flop for Lakob; a pair of aces and the nut flush draw!  After a full minute his opponent called for most of his chips, and Lakob was a little shocked to see that his opponent held Q-J.  I mean, how could someone call $42,000 with a belly buster?  Lakob was already counting the chips, when the river was the off suit king, snap!
I like Lakob’s pre-flop raise of $6,000 with Ah-8h out of the small blind, which is standard.  I like his opponent’s $6,000 call from the big blind with Q-J.  I do not like Lakob’s $42,000 all in into a $20,000 pot.  I mean, Lakob’s hand was too powerful to play that fast!  Why not make a smaller bet, or even check to induce a bluff?  It is not a bad spot to give a “Free card” to your opponent, hoping that he moves you all in, or that he at least makes a bluff at the pot.  Alternatively, it is a good spot to make a milking type of bet of $5,000 - $9,000.  I hate the $42,000 call with Q-J!  Why call off most of your chips with a belly buster?  Why not wait for a better spot?  All in all, Lakob played great poker, well done Joe!
作者: 建设2008    时间: 2009-10-27 12:01
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: 独孤求败    时间: 2009-10-27 17:55
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
I hate that call too unless he hold Qh-Jh,
it's not poker,it's gamble.
作者: Benjaminzhu    时间: 2009-10-27 22:50
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: mavrick1999    时间: 2009-10-28 10:52
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏


我有一个来自旧金山的朋友Joe Lakob。他是世界上最有实力的风险投资人之一,同时也是波士顿凯尔特人队小股东。Lakob的风险投资公司有点像U2乐队,在几十年里始终有连续不断的杰作。不像世界上大多数的成功风险投资家,Lakob始终是个低调的人。最近,Lakob和他可爱的女友Nicole决定参加在Bellagio举行的“Festa al Lago”扑克比赛(15000美金买入WPT赛事)。自然而然地,Lakob和Nicole找到我帮他们出出主意。我和他们聚了聚,同时给了他们一些策略,以使他们能在比赛中尽量长的存活并且有机会赢下比赛。

我教给了他们“经典Phil”策略,也就是翻牌前超紧(在有人加注的情况下不玩78s,89s和A4s);在翻牌前除非有口袋对,否则不要入局;另外,在每一小时内用弱牌翻牌前至少再加注弱的对手一次。我还教了他们如何慢打暗三。Lakob牢牢记住了我的建议,尽管这种策略有时候显得很枯燥和无聊,他还是在比赛的前两天坚持了下来。不仅如此,他每一次出招的时机也是把握的刚刚好。Lakob遵循我的建议,每小时都用垃圾牌再加注一次,而且每次他这么做,对手都弃牌了。因此,在第三天前我建议Lakob只要发现对手的弱点,他都应该翻牌前再加注。这么说吧,如果你再加注每次都成功,很明显你对对手的阅读很精确,而当你能够精确阅读对手的时候,你应该把再加注战术的使用提升一个档次。(我自己在第二天出局了,输了两个55开的show down,一次90000的锅AK输给QQ,另一次40000的锅AK输给JJ)


我赞同Lakob翻牌前用A8s在小盲位标准加注到3BB。我也同意大盲用QJ跟。但我不赞同Lakob用42000去全推一个20000的锅。我的意思是,Lakob牌很强,根本不用这么激进。为什么不下个小注,或者让牌引诱对方诈唬?这种情况下,给对手一个免费牌不是坏事情,希望他逼你全进,或者至少给机会让他用锅底大小的下注来诈唬。另一种选择是,Lakob也可以做一个5000到9000之间的价值下注。我最不喜欢的是大盲用QJ跟42000的全推!为什么用你大部分的筹码去赌卡张顺?为什么不等待一个更好的机会?不管怎么说,Lakob打的相当好,干得好 Joe!
Venture Capitalist Bad Beat!

Joe Lakob is a friend of mine from the San Francisco bay area.  Lakob is one of the most powerful VC’s (Venture Capitalist) in the world, and he is one of the minority owners of the Boston Celtics.  Lakob’s VC firm is like U2, they have hit-after-hit-after-hit (“Google” for one) for decades!  Lakob is an understated guy, which isn’t always the case with the world’s most successful VC’s.  Recently Lakob and his lovely girlfriend Nicole decided to enter the “Festa al Lago” poker tournament at the Bellagio; which is a $15,000 buy in WPT (World Poker Tour) event.  Naturally Lakob and Nicole called me to ask me for some advice.  I sat them both down and gave them a strategy that was designed to keep them in the tournament as long as possible, and give them a chance to actually win it.
I told them to play the “Classic Phil” strategy which entails playing super tight before the flop (throwing away hands like 8c-7c, 10d-9d, and Ah-4h for a raise); never calling a bet or a raise pre-flop unless they had a pocket pair; and coming over-the-top once in hour with a weak holding when they sensed weakness in their opponents.  I also coached them to slow play any sets that they flopped.  Lakob took all of my advice to heart, and although it was sometimes boring for him, and sometimes frustrating for him to play this style of poker, he made it through Day Two and on top of that, his timing was near perfect on the moves that he did attempt.  Lakob stuck to my advice and made about one move per hour, coming over the top with nothing, and every time he did this, his opponent folded.  Thus, going into Day Three I recommended that whenever Lakob sensed weakness, he should come over the top.  I mean, when your batting 100% coming over the top, then obviously you’re reading weakness in others well.  And if you’re reading weakness in others well, then it is time to take the over the top moves to the next level.  FYI – I went out on Day Two after I lost two coin flips, my A-K to their Q-Q for a $90,000 pot; and my A-K to their J-J for a $40,000 pot.
Going into Day Three Lakob had $90,000 in chips, and there were 98 players remaining out of 280 starters.  Three hours into Day three, with about 80 players left, and the blinds at $1,500-$3,000 and a $300 a player ante, everyone folded to the small blind where Lakob was sitting with the Ah-8h, and $51,000 in chips.  Lakob opened for $9,000, and the player in the big blind called.  The flop was Ad-10h-2h, and Lakob opted to move all in for $42,000.  What a great flop for Lakob; a pair of aces and the nut flush draw!  After a full minute his opponent called for most of his chips, and Lakob was a little shocked to see that his opponent held Q-J.  I mean, how could someone call $42,000 with a belly buster?  Lakob was already counting the chips, when the river was the off suit king, snap!
I like Lakob’s pre-flop raise of $6,000 with Ah-8h out of the small blind, which is standard.  I like his opponent’s $6,000 call from the big blind with Q-J.  I do not like Lakob’s $42,000 all in into a $20,000 pot.  I mean, Lakob’s hand was too powerful to play that fast!  Why not make a smaller bet, or even check to induce a bluff?  It is not a bad spot to give a “Free card” to your opponent, hoping that he moves you all in, or that he at least makes a bluff at the pot.  Alternatively, it is a good spot to make a milking type of bet of $5,000 - $9,000.  I hate the $42,000 call with Q-J!  Why call off most of your chips with a belly buster?  Why not wait for a better spot?  All in all, Lakob played great poker, well done Joe!

作者: maidou    时间: 2009-10-28 11:34
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: 金龙鱼    时间: 2009-10-28 18:16
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: Phil Hellmuth    时间: 2009-10-29 06:25
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
Bellagio 15k, Timberlake Pro Am, Packer’s Game, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!!

I have been very lucky in poker and in life, and I recognize that I am truly blessed!  This is no religious statement, but I say a hearty “Thank you” to the powers that be.  For my part, I donate money to charity every year, I send an endless stream of “Swag” (signed books, signed pics, hats, shirts, and bobble head dolls) to charity auctions, I do not do drugs, I do not abuse alcohol, I emcee charity events (like my upcoming <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Holdemforheroes.com">www.Holdemforheroes.com</a><!-- w -->), and I stay loyal and true to my wife and children.  By acting above the rim ethically, and morally—like never cheating on my wife—I feel a bigger sense of entitlement in life in general.  And yes, I know, my going off at the poker tables is a strike against me!!
It is not easy to feel great about owning all of the records at the WSOP, being really wealthy (at least on paper!), being happily married for almost twenty years, writing a best-selling book, hosting my own TV shows, being on 12 million beer cans, being stopped in the street everyday like I’m someone special, etc…Who am I to deserve all of this?  I am just a man from Madison, Wisconsin who had average grades and an average childhood.  A man that dropped out of college!  But because I strive to do the right thing at all times, because I strive to be a really good husband and father, because I give money, time, and effort to charity, I feel OK about all of the huge blessings that I have received.  As time passes, I feel better and better about my life, my blessings, and the person that I am.  And I will continue to play poker with passion and purpose, to stay loyal to my wife and kids, to give my money and resources to those in need, to try my hardest to win more WSOP bracelets, and to try to hold onto all of my WSOP records!  Of course, I have Johnny Chan, Doyle Brunson, Erik Seidel, and Phil Ivey on my tail!
Now, let’s get to what the heck I’ve been doing lately, and what I will be doing in the near future!  You can check out my Tweets, about one or two per day at: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth">www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth</a><!-- w -->.  Two weeks ago I had the honor of meeting Justin Timberlake at his PGA Tour event in Las Vegas for Shriners.  I am a big fan of his, and he was a nice guy, as reported.  Justin likes poker, but he doesn’t play as much anymore because he doesn’t like to take his friends money.  There is a cool picture of Justin, Alice Cooper, Kenny G, and I up at my Twitter.  After playing the Pro-am Weds, I went straight to Jeff Shulman’s house for five hours to give him lessons for the “November Nine.”  Of course, Jeff is already an accomplished player, but we all can benefit from having a coach that we respect.  I have over 50 final tables in Hold’em, so I’m not a bad choice!  Jeff is playing great, and he has a great chance to win if he is reading his opponents well on November seventh and ninth.  The rest of the week I worked with Jeff, his father Barry Shulman (who just won the WSOPE main event! – who is giving who lessons here!?!), Diego, Adam, and a few others.  I learned something myself as we discussed hands, tactics, and the best possible strategies for winning.  Diego knew every opponent, their tendencies, and we all talked extensively about what the other eight would be attempting to do.  We played a simulated final seven, final six, final five, final four, and final three, with actual chip counts and we all “Played” parts as “November Nine” players.  We even read a bunch of hand histories!
I flew home Friday night and received news that my publicist Lara Miller was able to secure sideline passes for the Green Bay Packers home game at Lambeau Field vs. the Vikings on Nov 1.  The return of Brett Favre!!  I am a huge Favre fan, and a huge Packer fan.  My dad has been an avid Packer fan for 50 years, and he has never been to Lambeau Field—neither have I--but now I can take him there in style.  I did bring my father to the Super Bowl in San Diego when the Packers played Denver, but we lost.  I fly to Green Bay Saturday, then back to Vegas on Monday.
It’s Wednesday now, and I just landed back here in Vegas.  Tonight I do some local NBC news interview, and then I will be in bed early as I seem to wake up exhausted every day (this sucks!).  I’m tired every morning I guess because I have been on the move so much (London, Aruba, San Antonio, Vegas), and maybe my equipment for my sleep apnea breathing machine needs to be replaced.  I hate waking up tired, I had a lifetime of this before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and the breathing machine phase of my life began…
I want to be fresh because I play “Poker after Dark” $20,000 buy in tournament tomorrow with Phil Laak, Antonio, Annette Obrestad, Mike Matusow, and I believe, EDOG.  Then Friday I film another “Poker after Dark” $20,000 buy in tournament with Chris “Jesus” Ferguson, and four qualifiers.
After the Packer’s game this weekend I have to shoot ESPN News and radio stuff Tuesday night, then I film a segment for ESPN Weds for the “November Nine” show with Doyle, Chan, me and Ivey—this should be fun!  Also, I have to coach Jeff, maybe Tues and Weds for a few hours, although I believe that he is 90% ready now.  Then I film more “Poker after Dark,”--but this time cash games--next Thurs ($50,000 buy in) and Fri ($100,000 buy in), then next Saturday the “November Nine” starts at the Rio Hotel at noon, and I will be there all day to support Jeff.  Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!!
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-10-30 01:46
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

Packers本周日比赛背景:包装工队(Packers)是威斯康辛州唯一的美式职业橄榄球队,在威斯康辛影响力远远超出任何球队。布赖特。法(Brett Favre)是美式职业橄榄球史上最伟大的球员/四分卫之一,在效力Packers16年后, 三年前因Packers要起用新人,在转会问题上出现一些风波。Favre今年加入Packers的宿敌,明尼苏达的Vikings。目前Vikings排 NFC North第一名,Packers第二名,只有第一名自动进入季后赛。
作者: dolphin    时间: 2009-10-30 02:23
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: mavrick1999    时间: 2009-10-30 11:34
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏


作者: dolphin    时间: 2009-10-30 13:32
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

住我所有的世界扑克锦标赛纪录!当然,Johnny Chan, Doyle Brunson, Erik Seidel,和
Phil Ivey都在我的路上!

留言,每天会有一个或两个:www.twitter.com / phil_hellmuth。两个星期前,我有幸在贾
斯汀(Justin Timberlake)的PGA拉斯维加斯巡回演出上见到了他。我是他的歌迷,报道上也说
上有一张贾斯汀,Alice Cooper,Kenny G,和我的酷酷图片。周三早晨赛之后,我径直到杰夫舒
尔曼(Jeff Shulman)家5个小时去给他的“11月9日”做辅导。当然,杰夫已经是一个有成就的牌
时间我与杰夫和他的父亲Barry Shulman(刚刚赢得了WSOPE Main Event --这儿谁在给谁上
课呀!?!),Diego, Adam,和其他几个人一起工作。我们讨论了各手牌,战术,和最好的制致胜策
略,我从中学到了不少东西。 Diego知道每一个对手和他们的倾向,我们广泛地谈论了其他八个选手

周五晚上我坐飞机回家,收到消息说我的公关Lara Miller搞定了11月1日Green Bay Packers
在主场Lambeau Field与the Vikings比赛的贵宾卷。 Brett Favre的重现!我是一个超
Packers和denver的比赛,但是我们输了。我周六飞到Green Bay,周日再返回到拉斯维加斯。

波太多(London, Aruba, San Antonio, Vegas),也许是我的睡眠呼吸设备需要更换。我讨

我想感觉清醒,因为明天我要和Phil Laak, Antonio, Annette Obrestad, Mike
Matusow,我想还有EDOG,打“Poker after Dark”2万美元买入的赛事。然后,周五我要与
Chris “Jesus” Ferguson,还有其他四个合格牌手拍另一个“Poker after Dark”2万美元

Chan和Ivey一起为ESPN周三的“November Nine”节目拍一个片段,这应该很好玩儿!另外,我
拍些“Poker after Dark,” -但这次是现金游戏-下周四(50 000美元买入)和周五(10万美
元买入),然后下周六“November Nine”于中午在Rio Hotel酒店开始,一整天我都将在那里支
Bellagio 15k, Timberlake Pro Am, Packer’s Game, Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!!

I have been very lucky in poker and in life, and I recognize that I am truly blessed!  This is no religious statement, but I say a hearty “Thank you” to the powers that be.  For my part, I donate money to charity every year, I send an endless stream of “Swag” (signed books, signed pics, hats, shirts, and bobble head dolls) to charity auctions, I do not do drugs, I do not abuse alcohol, I emcee charity events (like my upcoming <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.Holdemforheroes.com">http://www.Holdemforheroes.com</a><!-- m -->), and I stay loyal and true to my wife and children.  By acting above the rim ethically, and morally—like never cheating on my wife—I feel a bigger sense of entitlement in life in general.  And yes, I know, my going off at the poker tables is a strike against me!!
It is not easy to feel great about owning all of the records at the WSOP, being really wealthy (at least on paper!), being happily married for almost twenty years, writing a best-selling book, hosting my own TV shows, being on 12 million beer cans, being stopped in the street everyday like I’m someone special, etc…Who am I to deserve all of this?  I am just a man from Madison, Wisconsin who had average grades and an average childhood.  A man that dropped out of college!  But because I strive to do the right thing at all times, because I strive to be a really good husband and father, because I give money, time, and effort to charity, I feel OK about all of the huge blessings that I have received.  As time passes, I feel better and better about my life, my blessings, and the person that I am.  And I will continue to play poker with passion and purpose, to stay loyal to my wife and kids, to give my money and resources to those in need, to try my hardest to win more WSOP bracelets, and to try to hold onto all of my WSOP records!  Of course, I have Johnny Chan, Doyle Brunson, Erik Seidel, and Phil Ivey on my tail!
Now, let’s get to what the heck I’ve been doing lately, and what I will be doing in the near future!  You can check out my Tweets, about one or two per day at: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth">http://www.twitter.com/phil_hellmuth</a><!-- m -->.  Two weeks ago I had the honor of meeting Justin Timberlake at his PGA Tour event in Las Vegas for Shriners.  I am a big fan of his, and he was a nice guy, as reported.  Justin likes poker, but he doesn’t play as much anymore because he doesn’t like to take his friends money.  There is a cool picture of Justin, Alice Cooper, Kenny G, and I up at my Twitter.  After playing the Pro-am Weds, I went straight to Jeff Shulman’s house for five hours to give him lessons for the “November Nine.”  Of course, Jeff is already an accomplished player, but we all can benefit from having a coach that we respect.  I have over 50 final tables in Hold’em, so I’m not a bad choice!  Jeff is playing great, and he has a great chance to win if he is reading his opponents well on November seventh and ninth.  The rest of the week I worked with Jeff, his father Barry Shulman (who just won the WSOPE main event! – who is giving who lessons here!?!), Diego, Adam, and a few others.  I learned something myself as we discussed hands, tactics, and the best possible strategies for winning.  Diego knew every opponent, their tendencies, and we all talked extensively about what the other eight would be attempting to do.  We played a simulated final seven, final six, final five, final four, and final three, with actual chip counts and we all “Played” parts as “November Nine” players.  We even read a bunch of hand histories!
I flew home Friday night and received news that my publicist Lara Miller was able to secure sideline passes for the Green Bay Packers home game at Lambeau Field vs. the Vikings on Nov 1.  The return of Brett Favre!!  I am a huge Favre fan, and a huge Packer fan.  My dad has been an avid Packer fan for 50 years, and he has never been to Lambeau Field—neither have I--but now I can take him there in style.  I did bring my father to the Super Bowl in San Diego when the Packers played Denver, but we lost.  I fly to Green Bay Saturday, then back to Vegas on Monday.
It’s Wednesday now, and I just landed back here in Vegas.  Tonight I do some local NBC news interview, and then I will be in bed early as I seem to wake up exhausted every day (this sucks!).  I’m tired every morning I guess because I have been on the move so much (London, Aruba, San Antonio, Vegas), and maybe my equipment for my sleep apnea breathing machine needs to be replaced.  I hate waking up tired, I had a lifetime of this before I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and the breathing machine phase of my life began…
I want to be fresh because I play “Poker after Dark” $20,000 buy in tournament tomorrow with Phil Laak, Antonio, Annette Obrestad, Mike Matusow, and I believe, EDOG.  Then Friday I film another “Poker after Dark” $20,000 buy in tournament with Chris “Jesus” Ferguson, and four qualifiers.
After the Packer’s game this weekend I have to shoot ESPN News and radio stuff Tuesday night, then I film a segment for ESPN Weds for the “November Nine” show with Doyle, Chan, me and Ivey—this should be fun!  Also, I have to coach Jeff, maybe Tues and Weds for a few hours, although I believe that he is 90% ready now.  Then I film more “Poker after Dark,”--but this time cash games--next Thurs ($50,000 buy in) and Fri ($100,000 buy in), then next Saturday the “November Nine” starts at the Rio Hotel at noon, and I will be there all day to support Jeff.  Vegas, Vegas, Vegas!!

作者: duanying    时间: 2009-10-30 15:16
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
谢谢你的辛苦劳作 [s:183]  [s:183]
作者: pokerbean    时间: 2009-10-31 05:48
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏


果然如此,PHIL平均每天要喝近1千听P9,没时间打牌了。 [s:167]

我想PHIL的意思是指他为Milwaukee’s Best Light作广告,头像被印在啤酒罐上了。

作者: dolphin    时间: 2009-10-31 07:46
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏



果然如此,PHIL平均每天要喝近1千听P9,没时间打牌了。 [s:167]

我想PHIL的意思是指他为Milwaukee’s Best Light作广告,头像被印在啤酒罐上了。
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-10-31 13:42
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: dolphin    时间: 2009-10-31 13:51
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-10-31 14:01
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
是啊,在那呆了五年多。我当初上学时常去的地下牌局就是Phil离开Madison之前的根据地。我毕业后到硅谷的Bay101打牌,第一次告诉Phil我是从Madison来的,他就问我是不是那个被称为grasshopper的。 Phil他爸爸是UW的一个院长。

作者: dolphin    时间: 2009-10-31 14:56
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
[s:171]  [s:171]  [s:171] 我不敢说了。。。这个世界太小了。看来你长相瘦高。怪不得Phil要来做专栏呢。

Phil这个人说自己成绩平庸,童年平凡,明显地隐瞒了自己遗传来的高智商。 [s:171]
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-10-31 15:21
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
  [s:171]  [s:171] 我不敢说了。。。这个世界太小了。看来你长相瘦高。怪不得Phil要来做专栏呢。

Phil这个人说自己成绩平庸,童年平凡,明显地隐瞒了自己遗传来的高智商。 [s:171]


Phil是UW没读完,他太太也是UW的,读完了,还没少读。 [s:167]

不过这翻译实在是工作量有点大,我们都不知道总这么靠大家帮忙是不是一个长久之计。其实如果会员再多一些,愿意帮忙的朋友多一些,大家轮流做会好很多,眼下确实困难。所以我们对于邀请其他名人持一个慎重态度,没有一下子拉一帮过来。 [s:167]
作者: dolphin    时间: 2009-10-31 20:51
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏
[s:171] 我不是Madison的,当年Madison的通知书没有资助。我哥是。他的母校还包括北大清华,和你重复的可能也太多了点儿。我刚来的时候先在Madison落脚,住过一个多月。

[s:171] 怪不得Phil言必称老婆孩子,还不住在Vegas, 飞来飞去的, 原来老婆不是一般人物。  

作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-11-1 02:15
标题: Phil Hellmuth专栏

[s:171] 怪不得Phil言必称老婆孩子,还不住在Vegas, 飞来飞去的, 原来老婆不是一般人物。  


这世界真小,请代我向你哥哥致以校友的问候! [s:146]

我就不带头水Phil的这个专栏了。 [s:167]

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