
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么? [打印本页]

作者: pipi    时间: 2009-8-23 13:31
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?

Dealer: PLEASEMOREBETS has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: PLEASEMOREBETS has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: PLEASEMOREBETS has been disconnected
Dealer: PLEASEMOREBETS has reconnected
Dealer: SunLeeNavy has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: arrytus wins the pot (800)
Dealer: Hand #14208806915
PLEASEMOREBETS: 是不是allin的都给一首啊
SunLeeNavy: 翻牌就输了
Dealer: Yost123 wins the pot (1,550)
Dealer: Hand #14208812350
PLEASEMOREBETS: 我就是一开始输到500,allin赢了3家打到现在的
Dealer: PLEASEMOREBETS has been disconnected
Dealer: PLEASEMOREBETS has reconnected
Dealer: arrytus has 15 seconds left to act
arrytus: no &&%%ing table talk
arrytus: i\'m reporting you to ftp
Dealer: arrytus has timed out
Dealer: SunLeeNavy wins the pot (6,050)
Dealer: Hand #14208829670
arrytus: seriosuly
arrytus: what the fduck
arrytus: you can;\'t talk about hands
Dealer: arrytus has 15 seconds left to act
arrytus: you are being reported
Dealer: arrytus has timed out
Dealer: jasongls wins the pot (800)
Dealer: Hand #14208838622
arrytus: shut the &%!! up
Dealer: arrytus has 15 seconds left to act
arrytus: you are getting reported
Dealer: SunLeeNavy wins the pot (800)
Dealer: Hand #14208846025
Dealer: SunLeeNavy shows [7d Ts]
Dealer: WellFokyernh shows [Qd 2c]
arrytus: you are going to have to forfeit your winnings
Dealer: SunLeeNavy shows Ace King high
Dealer: WellFokyernh shows a pair of Twos
Dealer: WellFokyernh wins the pot (610) with a pair of Twos
arrytus: and you may even be banned
Dealer: Hand #14208852913
Dealer: jasongls has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: arrytus has 15 seconds left to act
Dealer: SunLeeNavy wins the pot (1,550)
Tournament Director: The blinds are now 300/600 with an ante of 75
Dealer: Hand #14208863584
Dealer: arrytus has 15 seconds left to act
arrytus: you jsut cost me money bro
arrytus: you are getting reported
arrytus: you have just been reported
PLEASEMOREBETS: 我知道了,谢谢你的report,一看就不是中国人
Dealer: PLEASEMOREBETS has reconnected
Dealer: Hand #14208964429
作者: arrytus    时间: 2009-8-23 14:22
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
is cheating chinese?
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-8-23 15:06
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
is cheating chinese?
This is unnecessary and intolerable.

I hope you understand that the zhiyoucheng freeroll is a private game. While PLEASEMOREBETS was indeed out of line, he has admitted it and promised not to do it again. We usually give a first time offender a chance to correct his wrong doing. On the other hand, you have clearly violated the rules of the ZYC freeroll by repeatedly using F words.

The ZYC freeroll is for the active members in this forum. You have not contributed anything to the discussion in this forum. It was just a goodwill for us to allow you to play the last one because you were new member. With what has happened during the game and the quoted reply, we have decided to take away your right of the freeroll registration until you prove you belong here.

This is a Chinese poker forum. If you can not read Chinese, it may not be for you anyway. Sorry.
作者: arrytus    时间: 2009-8-23 15:33
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
by all means let's protect the rights of the cheater because it was only an ''honest mistake''; but if his victim can't speak the language.... [reminds me of my anthropology courses.  or one can note the word that the russians use to denote a german:' ''nemetz''.] repeated f-words?  i see ^&^&^%*^%*&*( several times and once i see a duck who was flapping his wings.  would cheating in another language prove i belong here?  forgive my vitriol, i suppose i just do not understand chinese
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-8-23 15:51
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
by all means let's protect the rights of the cheater because it was only an ''honest mistake''; but if his victim can't speak the language.... [reminds me of my anthropology courses.  or one can note the word that the russians use to denote a german:' ''nemetz''.] repeated f-words?  i see ^&^&^%*^%*&*( several times and once i see a duck who was flapping his wings.  would cheating in another language prove i belong here?  forgive my vitriol, i suppose i just do not understand chinese

I feel really bad having spent my time replying your private message.

You do not really have to come to this site and vent your frustration by attacking Chinese. Good bye.
作者: David Chiu    时间: 2009-8-23 16:32
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
前两天在澳门APT比赛中有类似的亊情发生,有两位从北京來的朋友在比赛桌子上常用国语沟通,也许是因为他们不太习惯说英语吧?因此,有一位來自Finland的参赛者很不满且态度很不客气多次提出抗议,这家伙重复的说:"English only".我当时不清楚主办单位是否有这个规定?但是看到他这个不可一世的德性,我在忍无可忍也不客气对他说,"你知道你现在身在何处吗?这里是我们中国人的地方,我们是主,你是客。难道你们没有主客之分的传统文化吗?"从此之后他再不敢吭声了。
作者: wang139202    时间: 2009-8-23 16:35
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
[s:158] 竟然惊动了邱先生!!!毕竟是我的错误,今后注意,向您学习!!!
作者: David Chiu    时间: 2009-8-23 17:03
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
作者: wang139202    时间: 2009-8-23 17:04
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
作者: nnnnm    时间: 2009-8-23 18:18
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
前两天在澳门APT比赛中有类似的亊情发生,有两位从北京來的朋友在比赛桌子上常用国语沟通,也许是因为他们不太习惯说英语吧?因此,有一位來自Finland的参赛者很不满且态度很不客气多次提出抗议,这家伙重复的说:"English only".我当时不清楚主办单位是否有这个规定?但是看到他这个不可一世的德性,我在忍无可忍也不客气对他说,"你知道你现在身在何处吗?这里是我们中国人的地方,我们是主,你是客。难道你们没有主客之分的传统文化吗?"从此之后他再不敢吭声了。
作者: pokerbean    时间: 2009-8-23 20:27
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?

咱这是个PRIVATE比赛,D&R完全可以要求FTP在说明里加一句english and chinese allowed on table吧?
作者: wmwmw    时间: 2009-8-23 20:35
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
作者: 田品吕口    时间: 2009-8-24 05:09
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
前两天在澳门APT比赛中有类似的亊情发生,有两位从北京來的朋友在比赛桌子上常用国语沟通,也许是因为他们不太习惯说英语吧?因此,有一位來自Finland的参赛者很不满且态度很不客气多次提出抗议,这家伙重复的说:"English only".我当时不清楚主办单位是否有这个规定?但是看到他这个不可一世的德性,我在忍无可忍也不客气对他说,"你知道你现在身在何处吗?这里是我们中国人的地方,我们是主,你是客。难道你们没有主客之分的传统文化吗?"从此之后他再不敢吭声了。

作者: yost123    时间: 2009-8-24 13:36
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
难道private比赛不能选择语言吗?我记得FTP上好像有些freeroll是给某些国家特别设的,其他国家的IP都不能register。难道那些比赛也是English only?
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-8-24 14:35
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?

咱这是个PRIVATE比赛,D&R完全可以要求FTP在说明里加一句english and chinese allowed on table吧?
没必要加上那一句啊。这个比赛的官方语言就是中文,比赛的注册说明就是中文啊。为了这个说明我还不得不告诉FTP要把软件的语言缺省设置为简化汉字,因为对方显示不出所有的中文。 [s:167]
作者: phil-ivery    时间: 2009-8-24 20:20
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
真搞笑 [s:167]  [s:167]
作者: 伟大的墙    时间: 2009-8-24 23:24
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
[quote="arrytus":uvr3p981]by all means let's protect the rights of the cheater because it was only an ''honest mistake''; but if his victim can't speak the language.... [reminds me of my anthropology courses.  or one can note the word that the russians use to denote a german:' ''nemetz''.] repeated f-words?  i see ^&^&^%*^%*&*( several times and once i see a duck who was flapping his wings.  would cheating in another language prove i belong here?  forgive my vitriol, i suppose i just do not understand chinese

I feel really bad having spent my time replying your private message.

You do not really have to come to this site and vent your frustration by attacking Chinese. Good bye.[/quote:uvr3p981]

作者: pokerbean    时间: 2009-8-24 23:56
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?

咱这是个PRIVATE比赛,D&R完全可以要求FTP在说明里加一句english and chinese allowed on table吧?
没必要加上那一句啊。这个比赛的官方语言就是中文,比赛的注册说明就是中文啊。为了这个说明我还不得不告诉FTP要把软件的语言缺省设置为简化汉字,因为对方显示不出所有的中文。 [s:167][/quote:w5nxs4fr]


作者: shy    时间: 2009-8-26 13:22
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?


什么是GPBT??琢磨了半天,怀疑是极品变态的意思,对么? [s:167]
作者: shy    时间: 2009-8-26 13:25
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
搞错了搞错了,极品变态应该是JPBT才对。 [s:185]
作者: RichZhu    时间: 2009-8-26 14:57
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
搞错了搞错了,极品变态应该是JPBT才对。 [s:185]
作者: 百刀舰长    时间: 2009-8-26 15:29
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
呵呵,要饭的还嫌饭夹生不好吃 [s:185]
作者: september8    时间: 2009-8-26 18:17
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
作者: lblayer    时间: 2009-8-27 02:41
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
好像澳门的POKER TABLE 上只准说英语和普通话, 广东话也不可以。
前两天在澳门APT比赛中有类似的亊情发生,有两位从北京來的朋友在比赛桌子上常用国语沟通,也许是因为他们不太习惯说英语吧?因此,有一位來自Finland的参赛者很不满且态度很不客气多次提出抗议,这家伙重复的说:"English only".我当时不清楚主办单位是否有这个规定?但是看到他这个不可一世的德性,我在忍无可忍也不客气对他说,"你知道你现在身在何处吗?这里是我们中国人的地方,我们是主,你是客。难道你们没有主客之分的传统文化吗?"从此之后他再不敢吭声了。

作者: ZurichSummer    时间: 2009-9-2 01:58
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
前两天在澳门APT比赛中有类似的亊情发生,有两位从北京來的朋友在比赛桌子上常用国语沟通,也许是因为他们不太习惯说英语吧?因此,有一位來自Finland的参赛者很不满且态度很不客气多次提出抗议,这家伙重复的说:"English only".我当时不清楚主办单位是否有这个规定?但是看到他这个不可一世的德性,我在忍无可忍也不客气对他说,"你知道你现在身在何处吗?这里是我们中国人的地方,我们是主,你是客。难道你们没有主客之分的传统文化吗?"从此之后他再不敢吭声了。

我在芬兰helsinki的grandcasino玩牌的时候,好多芬兰人就在桌子上说芬兰语,他们那时候怎么不english only at the table?
作者: blugger    时间: 2009-9-2 17:27
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
前两天在澳门APT比赛中有类似的亊情发生,有两位从北京來的朋友在比赛桌子上常用国语沟通,也许是因为他们不太习惯说英语吧?因此,有一位來自Finland的参赛者很不满且态度很不客气多次提出抗议,这家伙重复的说:"English only".我当时不清楚主办单位是否有这个规定?但是看到他这个不可一世的德性,我在忍无可忍也不客气对他说,"你知道你现在身在何处吗?这里是我们中国人的地方,我们是主,你是客。难道你们没有主客之分的传统文化吗?"从此之后他再不敢吭声了。

作者: 建设2008    时间: 2009-9-3 07:59
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
作者: 男少先队员    时间: 2009-9-3 20:00
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?
就是啊   在中国人的地盘  还不让说中文   还让人活不?  这次去参加 APT   我一上桌就就有老外跟我唠叨  我只好说   Sorry,  I weak in English. Can you speak Chinese? - -!

还有建设  你还记得我么?  我跟在APT 上同桌啊   一上来就被打残了 只有1900筹码的那个  后来运气好  重新上了1万多.....  还说一起挺下去  后来都被踢出局了   本来见到老邱很多次  就是不好意思上去要合影  - -!  后来跟 johnny chan  分到一桌  更紧张       哎 - -!
作者: mesofat    时间: 2009-9-6 11:08
标题: 周赛:arrytus是中国人么?

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