
标题: 牌面出了Flush之后的打法 [打印本页]

作者: pongba    时间: 2014-7-24 07:10
标题: 牌面出了Flush之后的打法
本帖最后由 pongba 于 2014-7-24 07:14 编辑


Hero call preflop open 3BB with big pair/AK/small pair, HU, flop 两张同花, hero has overpair/TPTK/set. Hero is OOP. Hero bet 2/3 pot, villian calls. Turn 出了第三张同花牌,这个时候如果很怀疑villian是拿flush call的flop(比如牌面一大两小没有straight draw),但是又不确定,因为villian仍然可能拿了中对底对甚至顶对call的并且有能力把顶对转bluff,如果check turn的话range就很weak,接不动villian turn/river的barrel,但如果bet的话,肯定不是value bet,基本没有更差的牌会在这里call,也不是bluff,因为中了的flush也不会弃,所以是-EV的play。

总而言之,bet是-EV的,但是不bet面临被bluff off the pot的风险,也是不好办。两难。

有的说法是建议defensive bet,这样可以把flush仍然keep在自己的range里面,但是如果对手善于float,莫非到river上再来一个defensive bet吗?这个代价就太大了,如果不bet river,那么还是turn上的同一个问题,会被bluff走。

以上是hero OOP的,而如果hero IP,turn出花,villian check,hero要不要开枪,如果不开,那么几乎必然透露了自己没有同花,villian在河牌可以overbet pot for value/bluff,如果开了枪还是原来那个问题,这是-EV的。

最后一个问题是set,villian bet flop 2/3 pot,这个时候set要不要raise,raise的话raise到多大,为什么?

作者: 001596    时间: 2014-7-24 07:37

作者: pongba    时间: 2014-7-24 07:43

另外,我认为绝大多数情况下遇到这种场合,是没有“合理”的SPR的。设想70BB以上,call open 3-5BB,甚至3bet 9BB,SPR都在7以上。

数学上来说,如果flop bet 2/3pot,那么SPR=3是对手flush draw profitable的临界值,这个SPR很少能遇到或设计成。
作者: 001596    时间: 2014-7-24 07:59
不对啊,3bet 9bb之后,flop上SPR是61b / 18bb = 3.4,所以3bet过的pot容易打就是因为SPR低。

我认为IP比OOP容易打,如果有overpair或者TPTK,turn上你可以追求平衡的打法,也就是时而value bet,时而check,并且bet turn的时候check river,check turn的时候call river。这样控制中等强度的牌只打两条街的价值,应该不会有大错。

IP有set的话,在一个有花兆的牌面上,我是一定会reraise的,一是做小SPR,准备allin,二是打一个凶狠的形象,找到弱的对手可以用air bluff。
作者: pongba    时间: 2014-7-24 08:05
多谢指教。关于IP的set,reraise range怎么平衡,如果不平衡的话可能会遇到麻烦,因为比如reraise到3X的话可能flush draw还是有implied odds,因为villian知道你set走不掉。不过如果能够raise到刚好turn上有足够的赔率redraw fhouse的话是可以的。
作者: fafafafefe    时间: 2014-7-24 08:11

if you have an opponent like this sitting on your left you should change table/seat. you aren't going to make a lot of money (if any at all) by playing against good players. it's simple as that....

作者: pongba    时间: 2014-7-24 08:15
fafafafefe 发表于 2014-7-24 08:11

if you have an opponent like t ...

good point

作者: fafafafefe    时间: 2014-7-24 08:25
本帖最后由 fafafafefe 于 2014-7-24 08:28 编辑

at small stakes you can always value bet your top/over pair until you get raised. bc ppl tend to be passive at these stakes, once they raise they can usually beat top pair.

if you have to play against good opponents OOP for whatever reasons you should balance you range before you can find any leak in him. one of the reasons villain can put a lot of pressure on you on a 3 card flush board is bc you have a weak turn check range. you can check/call or check/raise some strong hands to protect your pairs.

for example, you raise AKss in the CO and Villain calls in the BTN. flop comes 27Qss, you cbet and he calls. turn is 8s. you should check and let him reppresent the flush. if he's good enough to turn any pair into bluff, he's good enough to know you have a stronger checking range on the turn than other players after this hand. Next time you can comfortablely c/f you AQo on the same board bc you can assume his bluff frenquency is going to be significantly lower against you.

作者: 尼禄    时间: 2014-7-24 10:23
你打得是多大的级别?  如果是北美 5/10以上, 国内200以上, 确实需要考虑这些情况,很难,结合他跟注的速度、表情来判断吧,纯靠line只能猜了

如果是小级别, 2flush面你bet, 他call,    出了3flush, 你check,他利用牌面来偷你, 有这种思维和能力的牌手实在不多, 所以不需要太过担心被人bluff; so, no shame folding, 他bet一个value注,你就fold,很少会错。

你 愿意这么想, 这些牌就简单; 否则oop无论怎么搞都是难受的, 一场牌打的自己全身难受,不是好策略。
作者: 修道    时间: 2014-7-24 11:20
对手flopcbet频率高,转牌cbet频率低,我们turn可以反主动下注我们的强牌;两个都高的话,我们肯定是拿着强牌call flop/check raise turn这样的路线。
flop donkbet在深筹码是最难平衡的,或者说根本不需要平衡,在flop我们只玩我们有一定胜率的牌,将决策的重心放在转牌和河牌。
作者: 修道    时间: 2014-7-24 11:50
1、flop donkbet range
2、flop check raise range
3、flop check call range
作者: pongba    时间: 2014-7-24 13:35
本帖最后由 pongba 于 2014-7-24 13:37 编辑


1. defensive bet,即出了3 flush之后仍然下一个decent size bet。
2. balance check range,把一些flush放在check range里面。

其实方法1也是一种balance,因为bet range里面本来就有flush,所以defensive bet其实是利用bet range的无上限来“掩护”middle strength hand。但是方法1的问题是,worse hands usually won't call here,所以经常是一个-EV的play,但是话说回来,方法2其实某种意义上也是-EV的,因为需要把一些flush放在check range里面,就miss了一些value。可以说第一种方法是利用小损失来避免大损失,第二种方法是放弃一些未得收益来避免大损失。


1. 有没有更好的方法
2. 这两种做法从数学上价值是相差无几的吗?还是说一种优于另一种。

感觉Tom Dwan之类的选手应该更多是采用第一种吧,因为他们的range里面有很多bluff,所以当他们拿TPTK去turn bet一个flush board的时候,对手仍然会拿顶对中对甚至底对去call,所以这个play就是+EV的。而对于一个紧手来说就成了-EV的了。
作者: pongba    时间: 2014-7-24 13:39
尼禄 发表于 2014-7-24 10:23
你打得是多大的级别?  如果是北美 5/10以上, 国内200以上, 确实需要考虑这些情况,很难,结合他跟注的速 ...


作者: 001596    时间: 2014-7-24 14:09
pongba 发表于 2014-7-24 13:39


作者: 修道    时间: 2014-7-24 14:16
pongba 发表于 2014-7-24 13:39

对付好的对手,一定要有river bluff range来平衡。
作者: fafafafefe    时间: 2014-7-24 14:41

whether there is a better way to play denpends on how villain plays.

if his range is well balanced, which means he's getting close to GTO, there is nothing you can do. although i highly doubt a 1/2 regular is capabable of that....

basically you should not deviate from GTO too much if he doesn't. it means you should bluff cath with an appropriate frequency. one way of doing that is folding the bottom of you range and call with the top of your range. for example, on a 27Q8sss board, you can c/f TT,JJ,AKo but call with AA,KK,AQ. then you reduce the confrontation to a coin flip: sometimes he'll bluff into your monsters; sometimes he got lucky by bluffing you off a better hand. later on when you find his leak (bluff too much or not enough), you can adjust accordingly.

i still think you should sometimes check you flush on the turn unless you don't have a turn checking range at all. otherwise what kind of strong hands can you have when you check the turn on a 3-card-flush board?

作者: 伟大的墙    时间: 2014-7-24 14:46

作者: pongba    时间: 2014-7-25 00:48
本帖最后由 pongba 于 2014-7-25 00:54 编辑
fafafafefe 发表于 2014-7-24 14:41
whether there is a better way to play denpends on how villain plays.

if his range is well balanc ...

thanks a lot fafafafefe, learned a lot

one additional question, I also see poker literatures saying that folding the top of your range is exploitable. like in your example, folding overpair and TPTK is exploitable, but how so? I mean if on the turn my actual & perceived range is capped by nut-noflush, then when he bets big on the river, anything in my range is just equally a bluff catcher (provided that the big bet is not thin value bet), then GTO would imply that I call with some of the combos and fold others, but should the calling or folding decision depend on the hand history? instead of on whether the hand is on the top of the range? I mean, if I strongly suspect (based on how the hand was played on previous streets) that he's on a flush draw and got there, would I be better off just folding even the top of my range?
作者: 到智游城学习    时间: 2014-7-25 11:43
作者: fafafafefe    时间: 2014-7-25 11:45
本帖最后由 fafafafefe 于 2014-7-25 18:29 编辑

i'm learning too...

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